
Preferable to getting famous by having your mom pimp your sex tape.

Do I enjoy his humor now?
Did I laugh my ass off as an 11 year old catching his specials on cable?  Oh my, yes.

Are you also dropping by to let everyone know how stupid you are by intentionally on clicking articles recapping episodes you haven’t seen yet?

That’s the cornerstone of why his show sucks. At best, he’s a guy who will listen to a celebrity duscuss their new movie or brand of vodka, letting them give the sales pitch and nodding along like a late night talk show host. Problem is, he does the same thing for literally every guest, and he tries to pass this off

What I’ve seen is he really provides no push-back. It isn’t like he is saying “You say vaccines don’t work, I have a report here with evidence to the contrary, how do you explain this?” It is more like “wow, you’re really smart so that seems true.”

I don’t think anybody ever claimed that getting vaccinated would mean you couldn’t catch or spread COVID, just that it reduced the likelihood dramatically, which is still true. I don’t think any experts have ever said straight up that cloth masks don’t work, just that they’re not as effective as N95's, which is still

I think you misspelled Ted Lasso

Exactly. Go figure that directors with something unique to say don’t really care for copy-n-paste, empty (albeit entertaining) spectacles at which the industry can’t seem to stop throwing all the money and schedule blocks they have available.

Someone listened to Dick Cheney’s TED talk!

White Guy Starts Hosting Search, Concludes He’s The Best For The Job

And then there’s the Family fucking Circus, bottom right corner, just waiting to suck.

The Gang Steals the Vote

Seriously. Space Mountain is a perfectly fine little roller coaster that I remember virtually nothing about. The Haunted Mansion is *amazing*. 

Basically EVERYTHING Trump has done and you’re voting for a candidate that could not possibly win. You care so little about his actions you’re throwing away your vote, you must have a very comfy life.

Right, but he’s still a gullible, unquestioning shitburg that doesn’t know when he’s being played, and that can be just as dangerous with a large enough audience.

Are we 100% sure this isn’t a clip from Parks and Rec?

Nothing has even spoken to the star power and talent of Tom Hanks more than being able to say “Tom Hanks talks to a volleyball for a couple hours and it’s thoroughly entertaining.”

His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...

The point of pre-registering is to get a feel for the number of people who are interested. Think of it in your personal terms. If you invite 200 people to your party, and 10 rsvp, how many do you actually plan for? You know more than that will show up, but you base your assumptions off of 10. Maybe it’s 50, just to

And where the hell is Gelman!