
From what I’ve heard, app developers still usually get more revenue from iOS users than Android users despite iOS having a smaller worldwide market share. Apparently the average iOS user will spend a lot more than the average Android user? But until that changes, iOS will still get priority.

Market share matters. The more people that use your preferred platform, the better supported it will be.

The point is that Amazon wants you using Alexa instead of Siri or whatever you have on your smartphone. Why users would want to add on this doohickey instead of just using their phones I don’t know, but presumably some people are really invested in the Alexa ecosystem. 

Android Messages has them for SMS, they’re much more useful there since you’ll I frequently send two word responses in texts. Not so much for email. 

Government regulating private business to own the libs.

This is a false equivalency though. The problem with using that argument against vaccination is that not vaccinating is a good way to help bring the disease back and spread it. The way you cook your pork chop will have no effect on the existence of trichinosis in the pork supply.

My son does this, they taught all the kids at his preschool. It takes him longer to get the coat lined up correctly than to just put the damn coat on. 

It seems relevant to find out if he was a tyrant when he was assisting Harbaugh, and if Harbaugh was OK with it and just got lucky no one died from it until he was no longer responsible. 

I’m left handed, and I hold my steak knife in my right hand like your boyfriend. Much easier to take a bite with my fork in my left hand immediately after cutting a piece. Way to much hand switching with my fork to cut with my knife in my left hand. 

It’s because they want people to be invested in the Samsung ecosystem, not the Android ecosystem. One factor that helps encourage loyalty among Apple users is that all the apps, media, accessories, etc. they’ve bought in the Apple ecosystem would become obsolete and have to be replaced if they switched to Android. But

I dunno about iPhones, but on Android that space, between your notifications on the left and your clock/battery/signal indicators, is almost always empty (unless you have a ton of notifications that you’re too lazy to clear, in which case you’re a monster)*.

No, they’re any type of hardware that attaches to a device to provide extra functionality. In the case of USB adapter dongles it’s usually extra cords, but that’s not necessary. What you linked is definitely a dongle. 

This is the flag for England (St. George’s Cross), the Union Jack is the flag for the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland). 

My problem with this is that “go ten minutes out of the way” frequently turns into “sit in traffic, except on a different road, for even longer than if I had just stayed on the regular road”. 

If you just want to stick with a route you know is golden, you could just, you know, drive that route. Google Maps will update your travel time once it sees you aren’t following the path given. Trying to force it to stick with your usual route seems like a needlessly overcomplicated fix to a nonexistant problem.

As a Pixel 2 owner, I agree. But unless you're getting additional info from elsewhere, the only difference I see with the largest device is the third camera. Maybe the sensor needs the extra space? It's not like they're using a lower power processor on the smaller form factor. 

I don’t get why so much attention is being given to the Google Podcast app, there are a whole bunch of vastly superior podcast apps on Android, never mind iOS. Google Podcasts is basically unusable compared to what was already around, why are so many tech sites writing so much about it?

I look forward to iPhone users carrying their AirPower mats around in case they need a charge in the middle of the day. At least they’ll be able to share with other people who forgot their mat. 

It still takes people time and effort to create that software, even if it isn’t tangible. If you don’t pay them for that time and effort, they’re going to have to either resort to more annoying ways to generate income (ads, those microtransactions you claimed to hate), or stop developing software and find a job that