
It’s a communist plot to pollute our precious bodily fluids

Twitter is good for letting you know something happened and then providing a link to read more about it elsewhere. It’s the best platform for finding out what’s going on in what you care about as it’s happening.

Holy lord. My wife makes similar pretzel bites using Hershey Kisses, and the chocolate plus the salty pretzels is incredibly addicting. I eat them by the handfuls. If I tell her to try Rolos next times so they have caramel too I might die.

Because the American way to buy airline tickets is buy the cheapest ticket you can find, complain about the shitty service, and then turn around and buy the cheapest ticket again the next time. So airlines are becoming increasingly creative about how to provide the cheapest ticket to meet what the market demands.

5) It works better with your OS

The whole point of cord cutting was that cable was overpriced because you have to buy all the channels, not just the ones you watch. Trying to subscribe to every streaming service kind of defeats the purpose.

Jerry Kill was a whopping 29-29. Mason at least had Minnesota regularly ranked for a couple years there, which is more than can be said for any other Minnesota coach since I’ve been alive (I’m 35).

Every time a team tries to draw the other guys offsides on 4th down and fails, they always “audible” and go back and try again and keep trying until the play clock runs out. Even though everyone knows within the first five seconds that they’re just trying to draw an offsides penalty. Sometime I want a team to try to

“If you ask me, I call that a false flag by the book. That means we are on the right track,” Voat user Kodo wrote, “Lets keep digging and be clever.”

Eventually they’re going to need to shift towards the value prop of not having to deal with assholes all the time. When every major subreddit is overrun with people from /r/the_donald and the like, people who don’t want to use their spare time dealing with trolls and bigots are going to go elsewhere. The smaller

But this is a useful reminder about how important Google is to a lot of people. If my Kinja account got suspended tomorrow I’d create a new burner account to make crappy posts once a month and go on with life without a care. If my Google account got suspended? I’d lose sooooo much stuff that I rely on daily, and it

Reminds me of a Jane Coaston article from a month ago. What good is it to win the election if you can’t make those that disagree with you suffer?


A Foodspin recipe with an ingredient list and step by step instructions? Something just doesn’t seem right...

They also eventually lined up in a tackle-over formation, so starting in the train plus the quick snap made it hard for the defense to adjust to the weird formation.

They seemed to have left out the “has things that are worth road tripping to” factor in the rankings.

Harbaugh is giving all of us, quarterbacks included, the silent treatment.

Plural for Nexus - the 5X and 6P last generation, Sailfish and Marlin this generation.

I think this is the key quote from the article for you:

Because there have been lots of stupid, unfunny, or unnecessary reboots of beloved childhood films that have came out in the last 10-15 years, but none of them have received nearly as much scorn as this film has. And that’s before it’s even been seen by the vast majority of people heaping scorn upon it. So when you