
State that should probably be on that list: Michigan. The peninsulas give it a similar geographic advantage like Florida, and there are a zillion deer hunters with rifles. Getting through the UP would be terrible.

Since it’s a hockey team, I think Stickmen should be way higher up the list.

So instead of being able to track everything you do, they’ll be able to track almost everything you do. In the mean time, given the amount of sharing going on on social networks, 99% of people absolutely do not care about being tracked by cloud services. So this is still just a marketing talking point that just

Unless you choose to send it out, that is.

Or you could put the beer in the sink and then make a few trips to the ice machine to fill the sink up with ice.

Google doesn’t have the leverage to do it. When Apple did it most of the carriers just told them they wouldn’t carry their phones if Apple controlled the process. But AT&T agreed to it, and Apple had the market demand for iPhones that forced other carriers to go along or else keep losing to AT&T. I don’t think any

The weird thing is that I stumbled into this article just after reading this article about what exactly the Thunder are doing to kick the Warriors’ asses. The Warriors are off because the Thunder won’t let them do the things the like to do.

If the market was full of competition your argument would have some merit. But due to physical barriers (be it right of way for ISPs or limited available spectrum for cell phone providers) and astronomical start up costs means competition in these markets is extremely limited. So just like for net neutrality,

Worst: Rather than upgrading/fixing one of it’s existing messaging services, Google creates yet another messaging service that won’t work unless all your friends install yet another messaging app.

Obviously, the new functionality will require some work on the part of developers—they’ll have to “modularize” their apps into chunks that can run on their own.

Google already has a keyboard for Android, so I would be shocked if these features don’t come to that eventually. This team developing the iOS app probably just got this done before the Android team got those features integrated into the existing app. Plus it doesn’t hurt to make a splash on iOS to get noticed as

Do yourself a favor and book a seat at the very back of the plane. The bathroom is right there, any noise affects less of your fellow flyers, and the engine noise is louder on small planes (drowning out your baby).

Everything else can be handled with a screen. Cram a few movies on your iPad/Kindle/phone and you should be set.

This looks like it will be nice to solve annoyances we never realized were annoyance until we had backpacks without those problems. Now I really want one, although I don’t use backpacks enough any more to justify $235. But I’m guessing twenty years from now we’ll look back on backpacks without mechanisms like this

Make a 3-Minute, 3-Ingredient Caramel Sauce in Your Microwave

Probably a lot of it is legacy reputation. When it was originally announced, Gmail was a giant leap past all the existing web mail clients at the time - it was a pretty unbelievable April Fools Day joke that was real. Since then places like Outlook.com and Yahoo have improved to be feature equivalent with Gmail, so

Just stack the bins and carry them all with you to the benches. You can then take your time with getting your stuff back together and then take the bins back after you are done. And it’s even quicker than trying to dump a bunch of stuff in your laptop bag.

Which is good, because what the fuck were those weird things supposed to be?

Now playing

This obituary is probably a good time to watch this video one last time for pure schadenfreude. You can actually pinpoint the second his campaign broke in half.

And while we’re in pedantry corner: he wasn’t almost impeached, he was impeached. And then acquitted at the trial.