@Odin: Exactly. This is FUD.
@Odin: Exactly. This is FUD.
So, what Apple PR employee thrust this misunderstanding into the press?
@gerb01311: By that logic, he would have had to convince himself. I think this was the usual journalistic rounding - but kind of wierd at this level.
Love it, love Gates.
@sk123: And yet, it is wiping the floor with iOS.
@JakeWharton: It has the bigger geebees.
@MacAttack: A fanboy with a sense of humor. Which is kind of a paradox.
@jturnbow: And turtlenecked.
Very tired of announcements for announcements.
@gijenny01: You can't write a direct statement as fact, then later in the thread backtrack and shoot people down with "it's just an opinion."
@Tycho Vhargon: Really? That doesn't jive with Best Buy's return policy. I bought one for my Droid and had the same experience. HATED IT, stretched and tore it off and brought it back to BB with the packaging.
@Celtic1888: Awww yeah.
@slosha69: I own a 40" HDTV. DVD res looks beautiful in *my* opinion and for *my* purposes.
@Nitesh Singh: I think what he means is that they have yet to achieve the physical limit of the number of potential layers, thus, we do not know how much a BluRay disc can hold - yet.
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: I'm with you - I'm happy with SD and you could fit 2 seasons of a show onto a single BluRay disc at SD.
What's the point? You could fit multiple seasons of a TV show on a single *Blu-Ray* if you left it at DVD resolution / bitrate. In fact, I'd really love it if they would release TV seasons this way.
PLEASE let it be true!
@DustyButt: I agree - it isn't *exactly* FUD by definition, but the end result is the same - increased fear about something that isn't at all an issue, in order to achieve an end.
@mithical: Yes, Monoprice is the only place.
@ddhboy: Do Google's apps do that? I use Maps, Finance, Shooper, Sky Map, etc.