
As usual, analysts getting paid to tell everyone the sky is blue.

If he said that then he's lying, he flew around the country dozens of times with his entourage trying to "get people excited" about his ridiculous company that tried to buy its way into the industry.

Neither of you are making sense. Curt pissed away money and the dreams of a lot of people.

But when the game in question is a one-man project - it's the one man whose bad opinion counts.


Am I the only one who saw the title image and thought, "... Blockbuster Video!!!" ?

You're thinking of those frozen rocky mountain oysters on a stick!

Wow, so much desperation among the Apple sheep here. Google gives too much information huh? Damn, you people are hilarious.

No reason to redact - you rpoint is still valid. It *is* in their backyard, and they should have therefore gotten it right.

Nah, westerners are already milking new ideas.

Just Cause 2 does this incredibly well, please make JC3 and take my money SE.

Well you just proved how ignorant you are to engine tech.

The last great E3 was the last one I was at, at the announcement of the Wii and PS3.

I think they are cute, personally.

Bring back open world again and I will forgive the sins of the past decade.

Pauses and waits for Kotakuites to say "they are all chubby"

FF9 was overrated by FF snobs.

Graphics are like heroin - you can get more and more but they just end up feeling "normal" - what we really need is an increase of fun. Or AI.

Curt spent a lot of 38 Studios' money unnecessarily. He (by his own words) thought they were all going to get rich, and spent accordingly. A fool and his money... (well, his and the taxpayers')
