
Really awesome concept - I have always been gunning for a truly open-world video game that allows people to investigate crimes.

Come on Luke - if you are going to reply to comments, reply to the dissenter!

@Omegasoap :

@wild_world_girl: And yes, MS are the only ones who can light the fire under Remedy's ass.

MS basically took this title from the PS3 and now doesn't give a shit what happens with it as long is Sony can't benefit from it. Classy.

Spoony, your name makes me nostalgic.

MSNBC reports on stuff besides prison life?

Getting very nervous now. Can't KCET just keep this damn IP in house?

@Frank: That was the size of their research - not the game itself :)

Let's hope this doesn't become some perennial game diahhrea.

@Deuce: Maybe heinous, but certainly human. Talk to anyone who has a loved one in terminal illness - they have a dark side that would consider doing almost anything to end it.

My heart skipped a beat until I realized the article is wrong.

1) Great to see a successful guy like Houser say that he has only scratched the surface, and I don't detect any false modesty here.

The Buffy games on the Xbox were surprisingly good adventure games.

+1 for Pachter

I too, loved this game during it's first 2 years. It was freaking amazing.

@Flawless101: And you completely nullify your argument by using hate speech. Bravo.

Best pic choice ever. +1 internets.

@Aaronium: Oh yeah, I second that - Blade Runner on Blu-Ray is STUNNING. I have no idea how they did what they did, but... WOW.