
PS3 - by far. It is just so polished compared to the 360. 2 years from now it is going to be the undisputed king.

I fully agree - I wish more publishers had patience between *and* during development cycles.

@Shiryu: I agree, MS would try and cram Excel and Powerpoint into there and it would suck :)

I am happy that official PDA software is being made for the DS (how many years did it take them?)

Why does Kotaku have to do this with every Sony exec's face!!?!?!?

@freakout: Apt handle you got there.

Sig is not a douche. At all.

@DaPress: I completely agree, even though Kotaku seems to be referring to the fact that the studio is busy, not this fictitious girl.

Why is it that when Playboy (and other mags) photograph women, they use flattering light color temperatures (like incandescent) but when they make video clips we see every subsurface skin flaw because of flourescent lighting?

@uppitycracker: @HoxtonHero: From what I can tell, he just confirmed that this *isn't* going to be the case.

As funny as it looks - that's not how you spell excreting.

The guy is hotter than the girl.

The torso is perfectly accurate. There are shapes being made by the suit and the open area that are making her pose look deceptive. This is a fine character drawing.

Those of you complaining about this looking like Gears - Gears looks like Unreal 3. Unreal 3 looks like Gears. Everything that comes from Epic looks the same (not necessarily a bad thing.)

How many photos of *balls* with stars sharpied onto them is Kotaku going to get?

I love how when articles like this come out everyone bashes analysts in general, then when there's an article about Pachter everyone bows down and kisses his ass.

I'd want to hear Beyond Good & Evil played by a symphony.