
Wow, people are really reacting to a tragic and early (albeit natural) death in a very common way - anger.

@Zaos: Very true.

I don't get the math:

@red: Yeah, I have to say I agree, it's a popular game that you were one of many designers of. You don't need to take it so seriously.

I support Itagaki...

Very zen. I want it.

Does this guy look like he could get you a great deal on some aluminum siding or what?

Yes, yes,

@wild homes: wild to wild - that was freaking hilarious.

Fatal Frame is more terrifying, but Silent Hill has that special place in my heart for some reason.

@OneLetter: Dear god, I hope that was a joke!

This isn't really a big deal. Getting a game pre-launch is a courtesy and this is merely asking for professional civility. They aren't asking for a certain result, they just want a fair shake when the game comes out.

I totally agree with this - I found the voice of Samuel L Jackson in GTA SA to take me to a "Pulp Fiction" place in my mind. Not where I wanted to be when playing that game.


Kudos for using the word "piqued" properly on the internet.

Fuck mobile games, give us pure, numerical sequels and shove the rest up your arse.

All this proves is that the 360 is a bit easier to develop for.

FFVII always representin'

You guys are missing the point that he is trying to make IN BROKEN ENGLISH - he is just saying that doing something in real life is more of an accomplishment than doing it in a video game.

@KaneRobot: Thank you, lone voice of reason on this board.