
You keep saying Neo-Nazis but ignore that those people rallying where not all Neo-Nazis. You also have said nothing about Antifa which is a horrible, hateful and violent communists organization. If you don’t want more Alt-Right then you need to have less of this forced diversity and identity politics. The Alt-Right

You seemed genuinely offended for what I said

If it TRULY were normal in our culture now, you wouldn’t be seeing articles like this any more.

There’s still plenty of resistance, even outright aggression, to the idea that queer people exist and should occasionally be represented in various media and entertainment.

It’s waaaay better than it was, no question, but

Why must that happen though? How do we know they’re NOT gay? Just because there’s not a big deal made about it?

“Maybe your players don’t feel comfortable romancing NPCs because you’ve created too limited of an atmosphere and they don’t realize how open ended their options are.”

I’ve never really done a quest where you have to save someone’s significant other because it is an eye rolling trope. The only times a character’s sexuality has ever come up for me is when my D&D group was screwing around with The Book of Erotic Fantasy, when someone played a lecherous monk that ended up seducing a

Ok.. but I mean.. Why? Why rewrite whats already out? Why not release new content with these aspects? Seems like a really lazy way to pander, so no, I wont support it. Lazy development doesn’t deserve praise. New and expanded content, sure, but not this.

Yeah I get it. Lets be inclusive. But I feel like every article I’m reading 3 or 4 a day about how so in so is being more “inclusive” or so in so is whitewashing. I think its better to just be inclusive and not make a big deal about it, cause by making a big deal about it, you’re still pointing out that its not

It’s no so much anything goes, as it is a blank slate. I don’t think we’re exactly saying the same thing here. We both are fine with gender and sexual freedom in D&D, I’m just saying it doesn’t really need to be stated in an adventure book because a good DM knows enough to create such relationships if their group

Bullshit. Any DM since the first book was printed has had the freedom to alter any campaign setting or story to suit their group as they see fit. If you have players who want more established lore concerning gender or sexuality, you tell the DM to create it, just as people who don’t want to pursue LGBTQ interactions

I liked halo 3 the best and halo combat evolved second best because in halo 3 the flood and the prophet of truth died also the oracle died. Halo combat evolved was just awesome when master chief escaped the exploding ring.

Damn this is hilarious...Reach and 4 at the top with h2 at the bottom? You have some strange opinion if you think H4 is good.

Halo ODST over Halo 2?!?! Reach was OK, but I think the Halo should be #1.

I thought it sucked too. It was so damn boring and I didn't care about anything that happened, even less so than other Halo games. And I don't even remember the gameplay changes, but I do remember not liking the gameplay at all. I think I melee-ed 90% of the enemies in that game because it was so damn easy (I think

Reach was shit, it was so predicatble and I didn't care for any of teh characters except for the russian chick who had the coolest gear... THEN SHE DIED!... FUck this game

Problem with Reach was, despite everyone else's rabid claims, it had nothing to do with the novels, let alone the Reach novel, that focused Master Chief's time on Reach, his and the other SPARTAN's training, and briefly explains the First Contact War on Harvest, rather than the sacrifice of Noble Team.