
Short version? My reasons for voting for neither Trump or Hillary was not because I approved of either of their opinions. You saying that I tacitly approved of Trump’s agenda irritates me because trump doesn’t get to pass laws without congress’s approval. That’s why I focus on local elections and contact my local

Okay, I think I get what you’re saying. You’re saying that sexuality is not only relevant when players want to know who someone will have sex with, it is also relevant when dealing with npcs who have relationship issues. My only issue with that is there are so many kinds of relationships that can be problematic that

I turned on all pending comments, expanded all comment threads, and still can not find your post. I know gay military servicemembers who don’t come off as flamboyant and I know flamboyant guys who are straight as the mathematical definition of a line. I know gay republicans and gay democrats. I know smart gay people

Also, I’m going to throw this out there. The way we play our games isn’t limited because we’re not focusing on sexuality. If nobody asks and nobody cares, then their sexuality is just static. Noise without meaning, purposeless and bringing fun to nobody. That’s against the point of the game.

You realize that there were a lot more issues in the election than a male vs a female, and that people voted on those lines, right?

Ignore ‘im.

In what way is sexuality not the kind of person you enjoy having sex with? I’ll look for your post, but what you’re saying flies in the face of a lot of lgbt advocates who want gay people to be seen as normal.

Fair point. I’ve never used an official campaign module because we never felt the need to do so. The game itself does not lend itself to anyone, but since we don’t play pre-crafted stories, i can’t say anything about those.

I think YOU are doing it right, WOTC is doing it wrong, and I am not familiar with nanny pupu. It sounds somewhat gross and terrifying for some reason. Elaborate?

Agreed. I’m drunk right now and can’t muster a damn to give for one side or the other on that. I think people are getting way too uppity about way too little. How about they tell us why the adventure modules are good rather than tell us about some npcs who like certain shapes of meat? I mean, I like bacon, but I don’t

I’m sorry, did you sodomy by unicorn?

Boloney. I’ve seen too many campaigns run by cis white dudes where someone’s lover was the same sex and a different social caste that prevented them from being together. It lends itself to people’s imaginations, and if most people are straight (they are), that’s where their imaginations will take them when they’re

What do you mean by lgbt positive?

THANK you. A character’s sexuality is only as relevant as another person’s desire to know that.

WotC is virtue signalling in the hopes of getting more players to buy their content and to avoid being labelled homophobes. I understand the desire to not be associated with the neckbeards who think women exist to serve them sandwiches, but this article is not aiding their cause. Having gay npcs in an adventure module

Exactly! Let people enjoy things! Let people enjoy things without trying to exclude people who dislike certain types of content. Do you know when a character’s sexuality comes up? It comes up when someone tries to romance them. That’s it. My players don’t care what my npcs’ sexuality is until they need to get