Hecuba and a Polo

I think he’ll be more fun when he is an ex-Prez. Obama is only truly free in moments like this, when he gets to unleash his emotions and speak. The presidency shackles him. And there is NO chance he pulls a Bush II and hides away doing crappy paintings. He’s going to do something, and it will be a blast.

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.

So had Donaldson jumped, landed, *then* caught the ball, it would be ruled no catch?

I think you’re confusing baseball with football.

I don’t think Eric Wooten grasps what a “demand” is.

Always bet on black.

Incorporating black adds youthful energy and edge, and evolves the Clippers Brand without abandoning the franchises core character.

All that’s missing is a failed GoFundMe campaign for the team’s legal defense fund.

You can’t spell #BFIB without F.B.I.

Would that be the one that said “Giants 6, Cardinals 3”?

This is utter insanity. It should be 15 dollars including tip. You’re overtipping by a wide margin.

Those cameras are going to look pretty good on another team in a couple of years.

Not really a return, you’re simply getting a replacement (ostensibly good) product to replace your broken one. You’ve still paid the original $ out.

He has Mickey Mantle’s swing.....and his knees.

A League of They’re Owned

My experience is that former members of GWAR are pretty much money when it comes to concussion diagnosis in professional athletes from a remote location.

In the only 2 no-hitters pitched at CitiField there have been a combined 3 hit batters and 1 hit.

You should have saved this one for the “Tell us about the most poorly planned family outings you’ve ever had” submission call.