Ron Coomer
Ron Coomer
Watched the Kelly Price into Chance the Rapper part of ‘Ultralight Beam’ on SNL literally dozens of times. When the chorus gets into the snaps for Chance, it’s alright. Things are alright for that moment.
Am I the only one who kinda likes Nantz more after reading this? I don’t agree with how he likes his toast, but I do have an appreciation for idiosyncrasy.
So, candidly, does the Bollea verdict concern any of you w/r/t your employment? I have read so much about the impact this will have to Gawker (from none to closure), so was wondering if anyone would be able to expound from the inside.
Whenever I see anything regarding blackballing, I can’t help but think of Barry Bonds - the worst and most blatant example in... ever. His OPS in his last year was higher than ANY OPS that Mike Trout has ever had.
That room in the last video is so bizarre! It’s HUGE! And there’s practically nothing in it! I don’t understand that room!
Previous Gov. Carcieri (R) was behind the deal - not Chafee. The deal was struck in 2010, when Carcieri was governor.
Nothing fancy - I took it from ESPN->NFL->Schedule
Just because it isn’t showing the struggle of a transgender person in say, Deep South, USA... doesn’t mean that there isn’t a ‘true struggle.’ It’s just a different struggle.
Chien-Ming Wang
Now we know why he’s leaving The Daily Show.
Why though. I’m watching MLB Network because I like baseball more. You’re watching the Stanley Cup because, presumably, you really love hockey! Cool, we can both do these things. And I can look at this clip and say “cool, that’s good sports” and then go back to my baseball.
I think my larger point was that you can’t judge the past based on unrealized outcomes. Similarly, say a guy gets caught stealing. On the next pitch, the batter hits a triple - it’s usually one’s instinct to say “GAH! Baserunner would have scored on that!” But we all know that the entire sequence of what occurs is…
Well if they kept Jones/Tillman, it’s likely that they’d both have seen pre-arb extensions and the well may have been drier for guys like Cano & Cruz. Their team would have had a different record, may have competed sooner, and perhaps traded away a Seager for a late push or a Walker (I know he’s pitched poorly, but…
Just fire up MVP Baseball ‘05 and compare the sounds to settle. What a great video game.