Hecuba and a Polo

Oh, he'll return. Try convincing me that Reg Jones will be around in 17,959 years.

I imagined he was just one of The Onion's "American Voice" figureheads based on his obscure job title (at least to a city bumpkin like myself).

Pictured: Daryl Caldwell

"Occasionally amazing journalism" - guessing you would include the breaking of the Teo scandal under this umbrella? Came from a tip!

Thanks for this... Winning basketball, especially this frequently, cannot possibly be boring basketball. Watching Griffin pirouette in the air is exciting, but so is submission by efficiency.

How would you compare your gut feeling upon seeing this versus Kevin Ware's injury? I know that the injuries are not similar, but I would imagine that the severity is comparable.

To be fair, your cash and your jewelry are what he expects, and has expected for years.

As an Ivy League recruit and 4 year athlete, I did not receive a single $ to assist in paying my education, room, meals, or medical. Where would I fit in, Caesar?

Forgot About 'Veigh

Tae Kwon Go-at

Only # I saw reported was NBC settled at $500k. Not sure of anything else he may have come upon...

Ah, thanks for the specifics.

I was too young for Atlanta '96, but based on what I've read in the last few days, it sounds like the cop/security guard that was briefly pinned for that attack was able to recover millions in defamation. Not sure on the specifics in that case, but like you said, it probably couldn't hurt to take the Post head on.

Are there any videos of the second explosion? As far as I understand, the news coverage, as well as various websites, have only had or shown video of the first.

Ok, this is the piece where I'm going to potentially admit that I (and most of the baseball adoring public) am/are missing something. 99% of the interviews or reflections with industry folk that involve a question about McCarver shed his influence or talents in a positive light, but the casual fan couldn't be less

Yes, figured as much. I was a pitcher through college, so I know all too well how bad body language (by either side) controls the game.

I make a similar point in my response to Mike's response to me. I agree completely.

I can't make up my mind on this. On one hand, I understand that referees/officials are human beings, and that as drone-y as one might expect them to be, it's just not human nature to ignore emotions - so any expectations as such are unrealistic.

Robinson stopped at the door to the parking lot, turned, and yelled down the hallway, "You'd better watch your mouth, son." Once outside, he said, "We remember that stuff for next time."

Good points - and my question re: soccer wasn't rhetorical (not sure if that's how it came across). I was actually curious as I don't watch any except a game or two during the World Cup.