
I think I get this. Bravo

How about September 20th for their MOST SIGNIFICANT LOSS?

Hey. That’s my thing. I claimed that one in the 20's. Whatever.

I choose this one

Summer bear Fridays are the best.

I filed it under “D”, for donut- M. Hedberg

With a mere 29 more losses, this recurring article turns into the most meta-deadspin-internet-troll/commenter thing EVAH!

This is great. Come for the Schadenfreude, stay for the jokes

One Mitch for each loss!

I will paraphrase one of my all-time fav tweets “you can run around all day, looking like you don’t know what you are doing, or you can just hold a Bud Light Lime"

Still zero-for-forever on trying to read a Scribd. They could hide the next 3 Powerball numbers in there, and I would still be washing dishes at Steak-n- Shake

From Chicago, live near St Louis, don’t care too much about baseball, but enjoying this version of consumption. Can’t wait for 34 more losses.

Well this is just fuckin' hilarious!

First! I got nothin'. How about "Johnny Mess-hall!" ?

AND.... I know a nocal farmer, and they’re called AMMONDZ. Holy pre fuckn tentious

Damn this made me laugh. WTF? up?


This is why I come to this place.

I made a knifey spooney joke last night. Hilarious. + 2 forks

OMG. I changed my avatar, but, obviously I WOULD HAVE REX GROSSMAN BEAT PEYTON MANNING, circa 2006