
tres bien +un

(paraphrasing) ...Loves his kids? FUCK YOU!

this is why I am here

this is the correct take

you have my full support

I am a full supporter of this même, and my hat is off to you.

this is good deadspinism

just if he got nor wood on it...

yes, this meme needs to continue, so CAR can be the first undefeated, 18-1 Super Bowl champion

mmmmm, I get this, but struggle to se how it is organic to the story? Irsay troubles?

I want this meme to get more popular

we’re on to a winner...

I’m really against picketing, but I don’t have a good way to show it - M. Hedberg

...or more hap..? Nah!

yes. I would eat it with two bags of sea-salt & vinegar chips. Also with the bacon breakfast one. None in the STL, tho...

well that is just fantastic

sphincter. This is the Family Guy response when you run out of puns.

abso-fuckin-lutely. I just had this conversation w/ my dad. But that is what we/I all wanna see, so... Who cares? Right?

I like the part where they seem to line up on the driveway. 1st and den!

that last line...i favorited before reading it.