
I don’t think we have a bunch of people telling kids that “being bullied is the end of the world.” I think we have a bunch of kids being harassed at every fucking turn and when you’re 11, 12, 13 years old it’s hard to imagine that life gets better because you’re a fucking kid and to a kid a year is like a lifetime.

Yet they have no problem with Lewandowski.

It’s nothing Peter Thiel can’t fix

This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?

I think he’s using the term “misandrist” in the sense that the patriarchy/rape culture negatively affects BOTH men and women, which is something not everyone always thinks about. It doesn’t seem like he’s trying to detract from the fact that women have been long suffering from sexist bullshit. It’s not a zero-sum game.

+ 1 for finding the only respectable use of ‘misandrist’ I’ve ever seen. Bravo, Scout.

He’s clearly being graded on a curve. His only coherent plan was to throw Hillary in jail. Supreme Court? “I’ve got some names.” ISIS? Random rambling. Everything else? Deflect to “Clinton (Hillary or Bill) sucks.” The ONLY thing he got detailed on was appointing a committee to toss Hillary in the slammer.

They blathered on with their “tie” bullshit for like a half hour. Then James Carville came on and was like, “Did I watch a fucking different debate than everyone else?” and I cheered a little inside. Once Carville called them on their bullshit, they started to walk it back, but too little, too late in my opinion.

MSNBC has been sort of walking it back by pointing out that they are indeed grading on a curve, and even now they’re pointing more and more about how weird Trump was acting.

I don’t understand this either. By what measure did he do well in this debate? He attacked his opponent relentlessly? Ok. But I think a more important measure of a debate should be does the candidate answer the question, and answer it well. Can anyone say with a straight face that he did that? Once again, he sounded


Well, it’s not like he actually grabbed her pussy, so phew?

Somehow, after 95 minutes during which Trump could not articulate a single cohesive policy statement or, for that matter any complete sentence; after he threatened to go Mussolini on her and throw her in jail if he wins; admitted to not paying taxes - and MSNBC and CNN are calling a draw. Did they watch the same

“It’s not lewd, it’s sexual assault.”

You know what she can control, though? The bullshit ads she’s put on tv supporting her dad. I get that you feel bad for her, in the sense that we all feel bad for someone who is sexualized by a parent. But fuck her! She’s actively supporting him! 

She inserted herself in the narrative.

As I just told someone else, not a fan of her political alignments, but to be sexualized by your own father for years and years? Gross and not something she could control. I feel bad for anyone in that situation.

Yeah she did, but in no way is she responsible for the lewd comments he made about her to Howard Stern. I am not a fan of her political alignments, but to be sexualized by your own father? Uuuuugh.

Meh. She inserted herself in the narrative. You lie with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Hopefully this will be a learning experience.

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.