
I worked on a failed show called “The Real Exorcist” about a priest/con man who went around claiming he could exorcise people’s “demons” (which were, in this case: depression, anxiety, anger, sadness, homosexual urges, heterosexual urges, sleepwalking, etc.). And he just so happened to always “help” poor people who

our brand is an easy target

Big mistake naming yourself The Honest Company. That’s what was asking for it, not her celebrity. No. 1 rule in PR is don’t set up your name, tag line or branding to be the punchline for a joke. Or if you do go down that road, you'd better be fucking perfect.

For what it’s worth, I agree with you. ‘Victim blaming’ isn’t cool, and people should have right to take the photos they wish and keep them private. But I don’t think it’s out of line to say “it’s not wise to store sensitive and private files on a cloud service that is known to have weak security and has a history of

“Racist” in this case means “She’s not ashamed of being a black person and for some mysterious reason is not a fan of white supremacy.”

Can someone put out a PSA already?

Some of those monsters are going to make an appearance in this comment section.

There’s nothing really more to say other than that I hope she’s okay. Some people are monsters.

What the everloving fuck. Thats wild. Who includes manslaughter in any public announcement?

“She rarely gets upset over things like parking tickets or bad-hair days.”

Or running over a 5 year old, apparently.

Oh, sure, make a big deal out of it. Who among us hasn’t killed a child and included that information in a wedding announcement?

How I hate that term “adult-ish” and “adult-ing.” Twenty-six is an adult. No -ish about it. If your father is giving you the down payment, that had better be a loan that you’re paying back. Aargh.

They sound like two of the most insufferable people on Earth.

I mostly just vomit when I’m nauseous, but she got an apartment!

That’s a writer who no longer takes their job seriously and has decided to fuck with their readers until someone notices.

WHAT DID I JUST READ?! Did the fact that the bride KILLED A CHILD make it into a story about her wedding as an aside?!

That tile is ugly as hell, but I am still super jealous that she has a dad who views his children as investments, rather than as ungrateful demons/a long-game plot by their mother to embarass him by producing individuals that aren’t also him.

That asking your parents buy you an apartment rather than paying for your own housing really puts the ish in adultish.

>What does $400,000 actually buy you in Williamsburg?

Call me crazy, but calling it ‘worse’ as if there are variables when you’re kidnapped as a child bride by a lunatic won’t change my mind about porn.