This show is a logical consequence of Big Brother. The misery and stupidity you see there is not meant to educate, but to entertain and distract. It's junk tv for the masses.
This show is a logical consequence of Big Brother. The misery and stupidity you see there is not meant to educate, but to entertain and distract. It's junk tv for the masses.
Animal shelters, rescues and sanctuaries are awesome and they need all the support they can get. And you're awesome for sharing this. I saw a related clip today "PETA Rescues 17 Bears From Concrete Pits". I actually visited a "park" like this in Germany (in my days of ignorance) and it was heartbreaking. It's…
I must be getting too old for this kind of "creativity".
This is one of those stories that makes me wonder how any random person is still allowed to own an animal... I'm sorry, but if you do this to your pet, you fail as a human being and you should not be allowed to be in charge of another living being.
Reminds me of this Jezebel article.
That would only confuse the headscarf ban supporters.
But you can have "imaginary friends" without being religious. This tragedy seems to be caused by mental illness. I don't know enough to properly analyse this case, but based on what is known, it doesn't seem like this person would be completely sane and harmless if she wasn't religious. And most religious people don't…
Behold, Rawtella. Vegan, organic, raw, and sooo good.
Who cares about American Kennel Club's "stamp of approval"? Google AKC + cruelty or puppy mills.
Shaming men (and women) for using sex toys is not cool.
His statement/excuse is based on victim blaming. He assumes she put herself in that position and that she wanted and deserved what happened to her. The poor rapist was just unfortunate to meet a woman who sent so many mixed signals. How is this man a judge?
Starvation is a special circumstance you don't simply assume unless clearly implied. But then again English is my third language so I'm not that sensitive to slight differences.
I would be willing to eat you if I was starving. However that is not quite the same question.
Tasteless is the new black. Ignorant and cruel is a bonus, because of the potential "controversy". Just look at Miley Cyrus.
I don't speak goat, but something tells me the goat prefers to stay alive.
Ethically sourced fur... Is that like donated pubic hair?
Just a small correction. Leather is not a by-product of meat industry, it's a lucrative co-product. The leather industry is a highly profitable business. (It means that, if by some miracle all people stopped eating meat tomorrow, certain animals would still be raised and killed for their skin, just like many are bred…