I know!
I know!
Among animals used for fur are:
The judge assumes that rapists are rational people. (And that women are liars.)
Right after the first statement you quoted, the judge adds that he's not sure whether the woman agreed to the rest of the sexual act (she didn't agree to oral and anal and the man didn't force her to do it). So he's freed because it's unclear that she didn't want any sex at all, while it is certain that she at least…
I think it's great he actually admitted he was wrong and shared his experience.
JAC you raise some interesting points. I only wish to see more mature replies whether they agree or disagree with you. I'm not a religious person but this issue is fascinating from a philosophical perspective.
1. Being in a long-term relationship doesn't mean you are in a successful relationship. You can be married and miserable for the rest of your life.
This silly "manifesto" sounds like it was written in somebody's parents' basement. I say the best way to deal with it, is to point and laugh. Whoever wrote this wants to be taken seriously- so, ignore, laugh, ignore...
Several people here are suggesting that X Y Z men don't date X women. You could also ask why don't X women date X Y Z men. Focusing on men and their preferences and desires suggests that women play a passive role in their own lives and relationships. That we're still waiting to be rescued, defined and fulfilled by the…
I don't eat a lot of it, but coconut oil is so delicious.
There are animal sanctuaries that truly help animals and are not interested in making money from misery. They need all the support they can get.
This notion that parents operate in a zone where they have all these rights over their children is a sweet fantasy.
Thank you inkpixie. Parents teach children what is appropriate.
Where did I say parents shouldn't protect their children from being molested?
Where did I say "necessary"?
Child molesters also use the power of the "uncle" or "family friend" status. This doesn't mean that there's something wrong with a culture that recognises uncles and friends. But you can still teach your child to tell the difference between a bad and good uncle.
Children are "pressured" into many things you probably wouldn't argue against. Like schooling. Ideally they are also taught why they do these things.
I'm not talking about treating children as objects (and you shouldn’t treat any animal that way either), but about teaching them how to interact with other people, which often includes some kind of physical contact. And not to fear all physical contact because there are pedophiles in the world. Of course they should…
But manipulation and abuse is not always/only physical. If the best way to avoid the pedophile in the family is to teach your child to avoid physical contact, then to play it safer your child should avoid all socializing. Or you could teach them to tell the difference between appropriate and appropriate behaviour. I…
Of course. But children should also learn how to behave and learn certain rules they might not like initially. Respecting your child doesn't always mean avoiding to upset them or giving them only what they instantly like. As harsh as that may sound. That's basically what my whole objection is about. Children are not…