I understand that point of view. I really do. But I don't like the idea that we should teach or encourage children to avoid physical contact because there might be a pedophile in the family.
I understand that point of view. I really do. But I don't like the idea that we should teach or encourage children to avoid physical contact because there might be a pedophile in the family.
Virginia, that's your right as a parent. My point is that the idea that children should be taught to have total control over their bodies "from age zero" is unrealistic, considering how they depend on adults with basic things that involve taking care of their bodies and minds. Oh and in my opinion, teaching your child…
I never said children shouldn't be allowed some choice. After all they have to learn about making choices too.
Yes. Being a child means that you don't have complete control over your body and that you need an adult to take care of you until you do.
How do you feel about "forcing" children to take a bath, take medication, see a dentist, wear shoes, not spit at- or hit people, etc... My point is that (good) parents do many things against their children’s' will, but for their own good. I guess you can make a point that kissing or hugging a relative is not good for…
I understand that unexpected and awful things happen in life. But if you're the kind of person who can imagine abandoning their companion animal when things get tough, don't get an animal. Or a kid. Ever.
intended to promote the idea that parents should let their children have complete control over their bodies "from age zero."
Today's Best Directors Are Men, According to Martin Scorsese
All I see.
OK I see your point. I honestly didn't even notice that the photo was the only one in black & white- it just seemed better and the whole presentation looks more genuine and interesting and draws my attention to the person, her face and her eyes. I love her facial expression. The other 3 are so typical, "staged",…
Actually I'd like to see more close-ups. No 1 looks beautiful and personal. The rest look silly with their awkward poses.
Is this a new thing- people criticizing movies they haven't seen yet?
Doesn't taste just like dairy, but your taste buds will adjust to a dairy free diet, it happens naturally. I also recommend nutritional yeast flakes, that can be added to cashew cheese, hummus, popcorn, anything really... Don't let the name scare you, it has a real nice cheesy flavour and it's good for you.
It will also, eventually, lead to test cases in which a few unusual sisters and brothers insist that they can marry,
It really makes me sad that anyone, regardless of how irresponsible or cruel they are, can get their hands on an animal that easily. There are too many mistreated and abandoned pets that seemed like a good idea for Easter or whatever occasion, but turned out to be a handful because they breathe, eat and poop.
Thanks for the link. I remember reading about that. Dream-catchers are everywhere. So is the use of feathers. Boho fashion has embraced (and made popular) many of those symbols. And before them there were hippies. I don't see how any culture, tradition or religion can be protected from this kind of "borrowing". What…
Oppression is always wrong. Of course their opinions matter. I don't know enough about native American culture and whether they find the term "... is my spirit animal" offensive when spoken by outsiders and if their criticism is directed only towards other Americans?
Yes, there's always a dominant culture. Just the fact that I have to type all this in English. I could wait for you to learn Bosnian which would be more fair to me, but would slow things down. :) But yes, I recognise there are issues. For instance, so much of globalisation is americanization (from my point of view.…
That's right. I'm from Bosnia. If you read my first comment you'll see that I wasn't specific to north American or Australian culture at all. My intention is not to belittle anybody's history. (I do know what it feels like to be oppressed in your own country and driven out from your home because you're not the right…