
Sure, if offending people can be easily avoided, it's better not to offend. I just feel that in some areas, like fashion and pop culture, so greatly affected by (if not shaped) by globalisation, merging cultures and traditions is inevitable.

Oh and just to add: I'm from Bosnia and living in Sweden. Maybe that adds some background story to my opinion? I notice how immigration and contact with other cultures makes an impact on people in many ways, including their fashion sense.

That's a view I can sympathise with, but at the same time I disagree with it. I have muslim background and I have seen non-muslims wear jewellery with Islamic symbols and it doesn't make me feel anything. But then again I'm not a religious person. My grandmother, who is, doesn't mind either. In fact I can't think of

She's not going to mention the president's name in this context. After all it was all Monica Lewinsky's doing. He was a helpless puppy. Her name is forever linked to that single event while he was allowed to move on. And this is how a pop star celebrates female sexuality. Oh and "eat the cake, Anna Mae."

The concept of spirit- or totem animals also exists in Slavic mythology (my roots). I'm certain you can find similar myths in most if not all cultures. Many pre-abrahamic religions involve animals and nature. I personally don't mind if people borrow from my culture/tradition/religion etc... No culture, like no man, is

I'm not christian and I could never understand this: if you believe that Jesus was crucified for your sins, why would you wear a cross around your neck? Would you wear a miniature gun if he was shot to death? Or a small knife to remind you of the time he was stabbed by his enemies? How is that not offensive, but

That's not fair. Hendrix could make any melody sound good. Like The Star Spangled Banner, which is normally uninteresting, to say the least. He turned it into magic.

Breeding monkeys in captivity (or capturing wild monkeys) for the purpose of animal testing involves forcing them to ingest substances meant for humans. It means making them ill, causing discomfort, addiction, disease and death and in this specific case chronic alcoholism. It also means they will never see the light

Nutritional information and ingredient list should be made available to the consumer. Calorie information included. It's your choice whether you want to read it or ignore it though.

Peonies?! I give up!

Agreed. Why is buying animals still a thing? If you truly care, either adopt, foster or don't get a pet.

I have to agree. It's a long trip and this is supposedly a close friend who will probably never go to China again. That's what being close friends means to me anyway. Doing unselfish stuff for each other.

People have written similar things on the internet and they were dead serious. Also you have to remember that the sarcastic tone in your head isn't perceptible to the reader. ;)

Some questions about this tutorial. Can this look be achieved using green M&Ms? Are the roses a necessary component? Is this tutorial specifically for cat owners? What to do if you accidentally eat a spoonful of petroleum jelly instead of peanut butter? What if you're allergenic to peanuts? Can almond butter be used

"Don't worry, I don't want to babysit your UGLY baby." would be my very mature reply.

Using dairy products to make the roads less slippery? One more genius excuse for the rape racks and other horrors of the dairy industry. This is depressing.

She seems adorable. So careful, shy, yet curious in those pics. Love the dog's expression in 2nd picture. And the cat looks perplexed! :D

This is a great comment. You explain exactly what is wrong with this article and the writer's attitude. You should be writing articles for Jezebel.

It's a beautiful movie. Very quirky.

Seeing animals in captivity breaks my heart. They are not ours to use for entertainment. They are not "objects" but living creatures with their own purpose. Blackfish is a great documentary that everyone should see.