
Olivia Palermo looks chic as always. Everyone else.... errr... not my style.

When I was a kid, I suffered from, what I'm now pretty sure was migraine. It lasted several years. I remember complaining about it but no one helped me. Kids today are more likely to be taken seriously. And I'm sure that is partially responsible for statistical growth. So it's bad and good. At least these issues are

When I was a kid, I suffered from, what I'm now pretty sure was migraine. It lasted several years. I remember complaining about it but no one helped me. Kids today are more likely to be taken seriously. And I'm sure that is partially responsible for statistical growth. So it's bad and good. At least these issues are

Could that baby chick be any fluffier? I think not.

There are tough women in all cultures. But something tells me that this guy's taste is closely tied with a woman's financial situation. Sadly there are many women who find themselves in less fortunate circumstances in other countries, who'd see this american man as their ticket out of poverty. This used to happened a

Unlike goldfish, which are always trying to escape their fishbowls, dolphins just give up when they get caught in fishing nets.

That's such a lazy argument some people make: I don't like some people/activists that support X cause, so I can't support X cause. How does one get anything done with that attitude... but maybe that's the point? Whining about people who do something feels almost like you're doing something yourself?

Good point... it's about what they do from now on.

That's not the definition of (food) pickiness. You'd have to expand the meaning of pickiness considerably to include everything that has to do with ethical decisions and religious practices.

It shouldn't matter why someone avoids some food, but yeah I know what you mean. The least they can do is not lie about what's on your plate.

The quote complaining about annoying vegetarians is showcasing ignorance about why many ppl choose to be vegetarian/vegan. For many of us (I can't speak for all) being served meat is like serving pork to a practicing muslim or jew: it's a sign of ignorance. You're forcing people to go against their beliefs and/or

Dry shampoo and body lotion are listed among the products so I imagine showering and fixing hair, putting on body lotion etc is included in those 90 min? It's still a bit of a stretch, but if she's not in a hurry...

They were not imaginary friends, Justin. N Sync was real!

Yes I'm aware of the "conserving" argument which most zoos use. I only suggest that you look beyond the information on their own websites, it's easy.

He was born in a zoo, so his mother was in a zoo too. Zoos are mainly interested in profit. If they turned their business into a sanctuary then you might convince me that they actually care about those animals. But capturing wild animals and then having them breed and reproduce in captivity just so they can be put on

They can really talk endlessly, can't they!? I sympathise with you completely. How long have you known your friend? I've known mine since highschool and she's like family, so it's really hard. 4 hours of talking is nothing for her she would just go on until I stopped her or something else happened to interrupt her.

S/he looks kinda cute to me. I'm glad though that most people don't use the ugly argument to wipe out an entire species or any group of individuals.

Adoption is for kids who do not have parents or guardians to love and raise them. Adoption is not for childless couples who desperately want to be parents.

Because animals raised in captivity by asshole humans shouldn't have any issues?

I understand how (and why) birth control works, so that explanation was unnecessarily snarky. I'm fully aware that women are responsible for their bodies, which is why I'd find it difficult to rely on a man to take the pill when it would still be me getting pregnant and being responsible for it and dealing with it, in