
I choose to avoid all hormonal contraception, to be honest I don't like the idea of manipulating my body in that way (I also avoid medications when possible). But I'm not at all against it being produced or used by other women. (Because what are the options?) But, just like you, I wish there was more (or at least

Agreed. He supposedly thought that the biological mother would take care of the child when he gave up his parental rights. Why does that even matter? The fact remains that this man gave up parental rights. That's all that matters, not why.

My oldest friend turned into a energy draining demon, but this happened slowly and progressively over a long period of time. Her mother who was her go-to life adviser died from cancer ten years ago, and I being the next best thing became a substitute. I know it sounds harsh of me, but she is 36 now and still used to

I really liked Bonnie & Clyde with Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, but this only made me roll my eyes. From what I can see, it bothers me for the same reason Madmen did: it's all about the pretty surface and style, infused with nostalgia and "good old days" we don't really want to go back to, and no deeper meaning or

You can tell he didn't enjoy it.

Yardos, I'm curious, which country (and when)?

We've already proved that violent games don't make violent people. Why are we so sure that games with content we believe to be sexist will turn everyone that plays them into wanton misogynists that inflict violence on women?

If you live in a society, where our collective actions, attitudes and values effect other people (and that would be any society), then yes, you should care. If you visit a site like Jezabel, you kind of care? I don't understand the point of "don't care/doesn't affect me" comments. You care enough to comment. So share

Def. better than the original. He made it interesting. I'm not a fan of his (or the band) but this is good.

So this guy wants someone who will tell him what to do and then convince him to change his mind if he doesn't want to do it? And that's what he thinks a committed partner would do?

Yes. This is the new low. She's a kid!

I like South Park- it often has meaningful and engaging storylines. (not to say it's without problems) Generally I don't mind some vulgarity unless that's all there is. One of the best examples would be the Mormon episode. Their best, imo.

Because that's what we need, gun enthusiasts on a caffeine high.

Coconut oil... been using it for at least 7-8 years now. Both as a deep conditioning treatment and as a leave-in for dry ends. There's nothing like it for hair. I'm into all kinds of oils (coconut, rosehip, grapeseed, olive, burdock, walnut) clays, apple cider vinegar, herbal teas, etc for all beauty purposes. A bit

I've seen several episodes of Family Guy that made me wonder whether the show was written by a bunch of sociopaths. Extremely unfunny punch lines that rely on repetitiveness and sadistic obsession with "political incorrectness" (sexism is sooo edgy). Plus lots of good old violence, farting and puking. It's beyond

I imagine her something like this.

So basically, women are more likely to take care of their parents because they're raised with those expectations. Another case of nurture (not nature). Nothing new here.

Good point. "Slut shaming" still means that some women are "sluts". Having/wanting sex is still painted as a shameful activity. But then again I don't believe in "reclaiming" negative labels such as "slut", "bitch" and similar , which seems to be in fashion these days. Those are still largely used and perceived as

The Stepford TV wives effect.

But at what point do her feelings stop mattering and it becomes an issue about society punishing someone who has run from the law after being CONVICTED of committing a crime?