Aurora Destiny

It’s funny because I was banned from the steam forums for saying how I use hacks to combat hackers. Yes. I’m going to make myself invulnerable if you keep killing me via hacking methods. But I only use them as a defense against hackers. Not to mess with people.

All this and more coming 2018+

But this isn’t even out in English right? Will it ever be? I’d kill for some official dubs and even official subs. even high-quality fan subs. However, I’d like to go to one place for all of them. Not search to find out whenever a new episode comes out and AHHHHHH

Imagine the amount of people pissed if they ban people for using this stuff. I can understand multiplayer. But Singleplayer is my buisness. Yes?

Do you understand how much this concerns me, that we can’t use the very words within the game?

I’m aware of all the pro’s and cons. And I have no issue with those still in the melee world.

Released a Trailer on Facebook earlier today. I loved Human Revolution. If they are similar in how they work. I’m after this game.

Darn it! I had no idea this was a thing, or I’d have gotten it!

Amiibos... That’s limiting supply for Demand!

People need to learn to grow up. There is a difference between accepting gay/transgender, and living it yourself. As someone who is Bi. And open to these kinds of things, even I understand that there is a difference with someone accepting that people can live that way. And being the subject of it. I see nothing wrong

As a fan of Sonic The Hedgehog, Even I think that costume is creepy as all hell...

From what I gather, this is related to someone not fond of being gay? So they are upset when things turned out how they did, as someone who is Bi. Even I say People need to grow up. not every living person is going to be fine with a situation like that in real life. There is a difference between accepting it, and

Anything to keep having people pay to get high performance cars.

This is too (to?) nuts for me. I wanted to get a Sonic, Megaman, and Villager, (all at their respective releases) amiibo. And I couldn’t get a single one. I wanted it for Super Smash Brothers. Honestly the retirements of the Amiibo makes things hard for the people not interested in hardcore selling and buying of this

I’m really hoping for Knuckles. He was MADE for Smash.

Now, I know this is a longshot. But I miss the /me STEAM chat feature. They removed it, and a massive amount of people wanted it back, it was ignored, and the outspoken people kind-of died out with the lack of communication from Valve..

The main reason I detest Twitch is due to its delay in syncing. Having a 30-40 second gap between what you are actually doing at the moment, descync's my effort to keep an organized chat. Talking to people about situations, them keeping up with what I'm doing to be able to talk to me about what I'm doing, it is out of

Its too bad the recurring theme is always "Friendship and love and happiness and how everyone works together in the end!"

Cover your eyes from the potentially kinky slaughter! aaah!

I'm just annoyed at the fact that there are so many things that are Friends only. I don't have friends that play on the PS4. Let alone Destiny in any platform. So because of this, I'm stuck not doing a bunch of content. I understand I could scour online forums for a group, but it would be easier if we could just