Aurora Destiny

Thank goodness! I bet that was quite a scare!!

I love how they remove one of the most eye-grabbing features of X and Y in the Next game..

D-Did you find them!? -EDGEOFSEAT-

Now if we were allowed to post images like this anytime we wanted. Maybe I'd have a reason to use my Wii U again simply to look around. Since there havent been any interesting games for the console. The Major one I want. (Smash Brothers) Isn't out for ages either.

be nice if we could use keyboards to type to everyone nearby with an option to hide the text box.

The man was right!!!!!! D:

Yesterday? No wonder twitch was acting up for me when I was streaming!

You summed up what I was going to post before until i saw this. Thanks for making my life easier.

I don't see how. O.o

That's just creepy. Lmao. XD

Thanks. and Course. But the question is. do they plan on dubbing it? (Hopefully not a dumbed down dub.)

When this comes out. Where would one watch it? Would it even be in english?

Wait. so they are doing a different voice for every playable species and gender?

Sounds wonderful. My question though is this. will the Main character. (who YOU PLAY AS) Will they have voice acting like before? I did not enjoy DA 2 as much as origins. but I LOVED that they gave the character a voice for once.

There is a lot that Echidnas can do with "Special Equipment" Like that!

"Without Major Glitches"

Those poor frogs. All it is really is a genocide of frogs. I doubt they can survive a fall from the height of a cloud to the ground...

You BET! :D And it goes both ways. I'd think the same for males...if I was in a Girls only school... Or still IN school at all.

This is exactly one of the main reasons why I have always hated Male/female only schools.

This is a question I need answered.