
Trump can’t form coherent sentences.

She married Eric Trump. This is not a woman who’s remotely familiar wtih the concept of “integrity”.

“It is a little bit of pain” while justifying withholding pay for over a month from people who live paycheck to paycheck is ever so close to Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.

I think this is getting blown out of proportion. I mean, just last week aftet maxing out my credit cards, I had to get a $50,000 loan from my dad so I could make my yacht payment.


And here’s where I disagree. The outrage is entirely justified - Hitler Youth 2.0 looking for fights to pick with minorities, during their field trip to roll back women’s rights. History will remember MAGA hat for what it is, the latest fashion trend for racists.

You’ve totally backed away from your ‘either side can end the shutdown’ argument, but I’ll bite. The shutdown is creating havoc for the 800,000 workers not getting paid and will soon create more misery for the people who depend on those services, as emergency measures can no longer paper over the lapses in funding.

Yes, Dems can end the shutdown by caving to a hostage taker to make a destructive policy proposal a destructive reality, in exchange for nothing but the release of hostages (setting a precedent of rewarding hostage taking) despite the fact that he said the shutdown wasn’t the Dems fault on live TV and America agrees.

The hand-waving statements from the kid and his Mom are laughable.

The original is a beloved classic comedy/horror movie that was hugely influential. Don’t try to rewrite history to paint the mediocre new Ghostbusters as anything other than “another Paul Feig comedy” with a legacy brand slapped on it.

Paul Feig was absolutely the wrong person to write/direct a Ghostbusters movie. An assload of improvised dialogue is no replacement for a cleverly written script. That hack doesn’t hold a candle to Harold Ramis, RIP, and Dan Aykroyd is a fucking nutjob, so good luck matching his creativity.

It lost millions of dollars and sucked.

I’m not a fan of this “I can direct it because I’m related to the guy who did it before” idea. Ignoring the fact that even Ivan Reitman couldn’t make a decent Ghostbusters 2, it feels weirdly like a monarchy or something. Jason Reitman has a solid body of work (although so does Paul Feig, and look how that went), but

Not a fan of these remarks. Reitman’s the son of the original director — regardless of whether it ends up being good, he definitely gets a shot at this thing.

Not surprised, Kentucky is a shithole full of these racist fuckbags.

You private sector people confuse me.

The private sector.

Black eyes, like a doll’s eyes.

Beefsquatch and Gene was also a long-running detective series on CBS back in the 1970s.