
I want to speak with the old bastards who were “forced” to retire at like 78 and are sad that they have nothing to do. That is truly my only goal in life, and they’re just throwing it away!

Noted troll. Ignore them.

It sickens me so much that playing both sides is just “Smart business Sense”. Shit like this is why democrats get into office and suddenly all their progressive plans slip away. A person can’t have two master, you’re either a representative of the working people, or a representative of corporations.

Good for him. Glad he’s continuing the good fight.

Sounds like an alcoholic apologizing for beating his wife and kids after getting too drunk and taking out all his rage on his family.

Grassley’s for sure the kind of guy that bankrolls snuff films.

Even Conway deserves better.

Yes, there are some very fine people on both sides of this attempted rape.

Graham then issued a bizarre threat, saying, “Let me tell you my Democratic friends—if this is the new norm, you’d better watch out for your nominees.”

Now playing

I, for one, enjoyed the return of Senator Tankerbell.

But she’s back to being a spoiled princess in 30 Dresses: In Space. Although she does come off as more likable than the hideous spider mutation.

Give the man a break.  He’s been having a tough time ever since James Woods got him addicted to cocaine.

Because of the play on Moral Majority that goes unacknowledged, or because they always make extremely light jokes in response to an uninteresting opinion?

Anyway, my suggestion if you don’t give a shit about my opinion of Paul Simon is to maybe exit out of the review I wrote that features my opinion of Paul Simon. 

dude, shut up. 

That was very well written and thought out. It will thus be ignored by the posters who feel you’re being too logical and want a mob to burn Allen in effigy. 

I guess this as good a place to post his as any but, imo, Woody Allen should be left out of the #metoo debate. Not sure where to start, but here goes:

My name was Brian McGee,

It’s one from Toronto according to the poster, I’m from Toronto and super curious.

DeVos is