
Why do people think something is “wrong” or “going on” with Jim Carey? Is it because he doesn’t want to be pigeonholed into being a jackass and making shit tones of money for essentially playing a buffoon his whole career?

I still can’t believe we elected this dude. Even if you agree with his politics, how does this imbecile win the primary to be the only (real) non-Hillary choice for the people who disliked her??? It’s been 2 years and I’m still just completely dumbfounded.

Two words: Decatur, Illinois. Roughly 1/3 black and a smattering of other minorities, but to hear any white person from the sticks, it’s the heart of Africa and will vote to take your guns and children.

So we can mark “Chicago” off our “Right-Wing Whataboutism BINGO” cards.

Hunger is rare.”

Without white supremacists, there would be no one to vote for republicans except for the few dozen racist billionaires that bankroll the republican party.

Oh go fuck yourself raw, you miserable Trump-sucking apologist. You’re exactly the kind of head-up-your-ass, secretly-cheering-on-the-Nazis excuse-making pile of limp-dick shit that lets this kind of shit get out of control. You have the privilege to yell at other people to “be rational” because all you have to worry

I hear there are good people on both sides.

I give as much shit to (and about) our elected officials as anybody, but on occasion, there’s a good one.

Democratic. The term is Democratic politicians. The insistence on using “Democrat” might be the dumbest and most petty thing that conservatives/Republicans have done in 20 years, if not for the scores of other dumb and petty things.

back in old AV Club days

self-righteous asshole pens long bullshit think piece decrying hypocrisy; ends by calling everyone self-righteous assholes.


i don’t want children, mainly because of how fucked up america is on so many levels. racism, stagnant wages, extreme cost of higher ed, shit options for retirement, near zero wisdom being shown for enviromental concerns... rise of violent white supremacist nationalism, decline of intellectualism. —and also my selfish

By pounding your mom in her ass. 

I’ve checked with my mortgage lender, and their corporate position is that they do not approve of your first sentence. And given that I’m not technically one of the “movie folks,” your last sentence made me jump out of my chair and scream, “Oh, COME ON!”

Fuck off moron.

Or even more than two things. I always felt like The Kink were accurately representing themselves in their work instead of writing songs specifically designed to sell as many copies as possible.

Check out Badfinger.