
And I already wasted my money’s paw wish on Scalia.

I quit working for at&t roughly 5 years ago but this was a common way to force employees to quit or get fired. When I worked there management would call you into their office and give you a pip (performance improvement plan). In the plan it would commit you to ask about a specific product with say three follow up

So, here’s the advice I gave my kids when they discovered that even as freshmen in high school, everybody was pushing them to find their passion or decide what they want to do for a living.

You know what. I have never liked Rossane in any incarnation. Did not watch this show - but tried to maintain my respect for Goodman, Metcalf ect...jobs a job right?

I followed my passion, went to grad school, and found there was no job market.

I really feel like we’ve turned a corner and the apocalypse is at least a decade away. 

I can’t wait for “working class Americans” to complain about “white genocide” in this movie.

I remember thinking that when the Bush regime had male escort Jeff Gannon/aka James Guckert as a plant in the White House press pool. we’d hit bottom. Not even close. Trump is a fucking scumbag, and the people who work for him are worse. I didn’t think it possible, but here we are.

DSA had quite a day, between this, the Portland blockade, and Tim Heidecker publicly joining.

Dude, there’s no need to be a Fox apologist.

I wish there was a way to receive a notification when you have a laughable horrific death. Otherwise, how would I know the correct time to applaud?

“It’s got a good beat and I can diversify to it.”

It’s exactly what happened in Revenge of the Nerds.

What’s your proof that Hillary Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State were swayed by donations to the Clinton Foundation? Where’s your proof that Hillary Clinton was using Clinton Foundation money to enrich herself? Without those, you have no argument, just false equivalency.

Dear Rest of The Country that claims to be real Americans not a bunch of coastal elites:

“So many of the children in the detention center here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.”

I guess they wanted to take a break and spend more time lying to their families.

Why is the world like this?

Agreed on every point (although I’ve always wanted to try poutine, just to say I did).

Yep, it’s so easy! Every time I see one of those red-rimmed envelopes I think about how glad I am that the state that was founded on the principle of complete and total exclusion of non-white settlers has adopted a practice that greatly increases minority turnout.