
the pain you feel may just be the soul-sucking deadness of office work, and thus merely correlated with cupcake eating. More experiments are definitely needed.

Back in college there was this bar on the outskirts that played both kinds of music — country AND western — that did a weekly “steak stampede” — $7 for a ½ inch-thick utility-grade ribeye. I’m pretty sure I consumed more sauce than steak those nights.

And yet, there’s still no end in sight to the East Coast/West Coast ventriloquist wars.

Oh ya!

cmon now we all know who was born for this role

I am one of those people who is rooting for Vegas to lose, but that’s because they’re a division rival, not because of jealousy. I view them the same way I would any other Pacific Division team not named the Kings: I don’t want them to win.

No. In a decent society, the rule of law would’ve caught up with him and his family by now. What in the world is taking so long? Why are we being entertained by reality TV from the WH?

Oh, well now that you’ve said that, I am completely confident in the state of Georgia’s ability to prevent Kremlin sponsored hackers from shifting an election.

Caps looked much better this game (yes even 5v5) because they adjusted their game plan. It really can all be boiled down to a few things:

“My pollsters tell me that I can rehab my image in 4 years if I say I’m an alcoholic, versus just admitting that I’m a huge idiot asshole. So I guess I get to have a drinking problem now!”

When roger stone is talking about it before any accusations were leveled, then there is signs of a conspiracy.

LOL to their families!

Carry a weapon and fight it off myself? Then what the fuck am I paying this bear tax for?

I agree. There is no point in working with or cooperating with the right wing. Let future generations sort that out. Right now, to save America, we need to dismantle right wing power.

What’s his grift this time? Supplements, copper compression socks?

SCTV was always better than SNL.

“I am, how you say?, a peese of sheet.” ~ Luc Besson

Or, as Wyatt (as puppet Michael Steele) said on The Daily Show, “Bibbly.”

I've always thought that Gene Wilder in this movie gave one of the most underrated performances in film history.

That entrance is one of the finest bits of physical comedy I've ever seen in film, especially since it's subtle enough that it's not often remarked upon. It does the remarkable feat of establishing the character in a 30-second wordless piece while also being an incredible display of the pure athleticism that physical