
They have a lot in common. In their jobs, they both get pounded by men. 

Why are people such assholes?

Me too, and it is.............awesome.

Will, sincerely, you are a legend around here.

Megyn Kelly is a disgusting piece of shit. 

“When a person violates this norm, it creates resentment, intense frustration, and great offense for many. Our show Dear White People covers some of this ground.”

Better yet, an elephant eats her.

I love Lecy.

Cousin Oliver needs to be in this!

“by all means, call me an asshole.” You are a tremendous fucking asshole. You’re also knowingly full of shit. Fuck off troll.

Alan Zweibel was by far the funniest of the original SNL cast members.

You’re a shmuck.

Hahaha. Yeah, it will do that.

Comparing investment opportunities advised to them by hangers on?

She sang Surfing USA? Cool. Did not know that.

Did they play the theme from Rawhide?

No worries. I used to visit the Avocado quite a bit, but not as much of late. I’ll have to check out The Solute. Either way, you remain as always, awesome, and it’s good to see you again. :)

Great, another stupid fucking asshole from this shitshow. Just what we need, more unencumbered idiocy.

Hey Scrawler! I thought that might be you. Good to see you.