
You forgot one- She is a feckless cunt.

“From my perspective, which is that of a 38-year-old white man who is a die-hard liberal who doles out shits and fucks and casual blasphemies with the best of them, it has nothing to do with defending honor or property. It is about defending basic decency and dignity.”  Yeah...right....sure. I believe you totally. 

Megyn Kelly is vile, kids. She just is.

It pays total dogshit.

Even the pop culture references exist in a sort of comfortingly fixed 1980s/sentimentality”

The more important question is can Steve Martin fix Roseanne?

This guy’s best work was in Stir Crazy as Grossberger.

Fucking bullshit.

I’m sure he can find a “Jim” to do face stuff.

Now, that’s Progressive!

 A woman once called 911 because she got a bad haircut. I still can’t believe that happened. The cops actually showed up too. The woman was old and batty, and of course, white.

uh.  “know.”

And there it is. I was hoping someone would no the origination of my joke. You’re good people, Y.

Who won the vote on the question of to call them either Delawarians or Delawerites?


Not trying to be mean, but why does Meghan McCain apply makeup on her face like she’s about to appear in a Broadway show about clowns?

The United States of Bonerland makes a good point.

Bob Dylan joined The Today Show? Cool.

“Fuckingham?” I’ve been calling him Krandall this whole time.

Mulvaney added. “That is the nature of the business and elections do have consequences.”” Translated- “We can now go back to screwing you fucking peasants like we always have and always will.”