
You bastard!! Not cured.

That's weird because he spoke highly of you all the time.

I know. When are they gonna finally fuck?

Diane Lane plays his wife, Eleanor?

What about that big box of popcorn on your lap? Is that for sharing?


Thanks man, I just bought the entire collection!

But…..he's right.

That is oddly specific imagery. I like it. Two thumbs up!

It's when a man and a woman love each other very much, and then fuck….a lot.

Umm, you did nothing to convince me I was wrong. I will say that if you don't understand how you have privileges as a white male others simply do not, you aren't very thoughtful or introspective or smart.

Wow, that was first rate stupidity. Can't wait for your next salvo.

She can fuck right off.

How about-piece of shit?

She is a horrid disgusting person. Fuck her.

Steve Martin had a bit int the 80's about how he believed robots were stealing his luggage. Prescient Steve. Very prescient. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Fuck? I'm old.

You won't tell me which gimmick poster? If I guessed which one would I be pleasantly surprised

Sorry Mr. Greene. You deserve better. Meaning than to be banned by that other forum.

Johnny Cash?