Wild Blogger

Hopefully the show is setting up a return. The classmates are too amusing.

The Downton wiki says that he's just a baron.

True. For frak's sake, the house had an under butler who seemed to have large amounts of time for injecting harmful substances.

On the other hand, I've been in situations where the interviewer was like "I haven't met anyone else yet, but I love you and as far as I'm concerned, the job is yours" and then DIDN'T give me the job. So in some ways, that's a shitty thing to do as well, because if Shosh really did want the job, the interviewer would

It would have made more sense if she had privately considered it a test interview, which would have made it funnier/sadder when she actually got the offer and had to consider whether to take the position.

He apparently cares so deeply that he has posted the exact same post everywhere for the past 8 days.

What I don't get is that Moseley was a butler and a valet. Surely he would understand that a first footman role would be a lot of work.

Walks away slowly…

I'm more irritated that *SPOILER*

It's pretty dumb, but in an almost-clever, feel-good way.

I think she left after two days, not two weeks.

The Juna segment seems like a misdirection.

I think that there was plenty of groundwork, but it would have been nice if there were some significant interaction between Korra and Asami following "Remembrances," even just a short, meaningful scene before Asami goes off in the flying suit. Instead, that final scene was the first exchange they'd had in the entire

Azula, you mean?

He didn't bother me when he was 5 or 6, but his shtick is old now. Plus, he just draws time and attention away from Ikki!

That was tragic. Though the segment with Anthony always makes me wish there was a follow-up episode in the original series where little Anthony encountered either someone who also had his powers, or someone immune to them.

That would have been a *really* dark episode if "Bewitching Pool" had gone "Willoughby" in the end and had the kids carted away in body bags.

At least then Russell Crowe could just talk sing and, you know, do any real singing.

*I* didn't say "two words," the OP did. What he/she probably specifically meant was this (spoilers)

I know, but that's the one repeated in the next episode (clip) and it makes sense in context.