Wild Blogger

Same here. I kept hoping it would turn out she had been hypnotized into instantly forgetting about what happened to each person she brought home.

Victoria was never considered to be a beauty. Paintings were highly flattering.

Agreed. This was the first time I've liked her in anything.

Then again, I don't know who's been responsible for the digital shorts, as they're frequently brilliant (and much higher quality than the rest of the material), even before this season. "The Day Beyonce Turned Black," the Black Widow rom-com, "God Is a Boob Man," etc.

The third season, I think she gained weight to play Lydia in Pride and Prejudice. Talk about an opposite character.

I think it's possible Scott is telling the truth, but that Brightborn manipulated Adele's DNA after she provided it so that it would show a connection to Felix, and then she could pretend to be his sister.

A live audience often gives an extra spark to the actors.

Meereen was overrun by Sons of the Harpy, after all.

And "Dig a Pony" (or just the song "Dig It") for "Drive My Car."

Swap "Michelle" (Rubber Soul) for "Mean Mister Mustard." At least the latter was amusing.

The last episode ended with the Kindly Man saying she was ready to be someone else, implying Cat of the Canals was her next role. But that one's pretty greatly reduced without the intervening Sam plotline.

I think Hoster Tully was another natural death.

I kind of liked the Joffrey segment. But I'm getting tired of "George RR Martin kills all of his characters!" jokes.

I thought it was Benjen at first.

I feel like the Stonemen could be taking the place of the pale mare from the books. All of the wounded greyscale people will go to Meereen, crying out for Dany to heal them.

Not to mention he would instantly recognize Tyrion.

Meereen. Whoops, wrong show.

I suspect they'll cut to that part of the flashback at another time. They said three questions when they could have said two.

She's done some good acting. I really liked her in "The Runaways," where she was 180 degrees from Bella Swan.

Can he take away his inheritance? Isn't the problem with entail that Larry will inherit whether Lord Merton wishes it or not?