
Wait no he isn't ranting on his blog about feminists in Mad Max? Or not it isn't sad?

Ew. Really? That's sad.

The Top Gear guys love them. I think this isn't a spambot at all, just a recently unemployed Jeremy Clarkson.

My take away from this: There's a guy named Yorum Globus. That's awesome.

Braugher is just the hands down MVP of this for me. His work in this show has been incredible.

Ted is Swedish!

Yeah this was my thought- He's free to quit whenever, of course, but don't oversell it Harry. You're "free to do other work" with your millions of dollars in the other 46 weeks of the year when you aren't working on Simpsons.

I did read the book ages ago, but I've conflated the movie and the book so much I don't remember it well. I definitely remember liking it!

As a Muslim I really REALLY appreciate this prayer scene. While it isn't a true historical prayer as far as I know (but hell I'm not a scholar maybe it is) it definitely gets to a real sentiment. I love that the film makes Ibn Fadlan, who was a real person, more sympathetic. I like to imagine the real guy (a

Yeah I unabashedly love this movie.

I don't have enough upvotes for this.
I didn't despise ST:ID as much as many, but this really bothered me. Just remake Space Seed!

I showed it to my eight year old and he was terrified. I thought he'd love it. He's eccentric, a gifted kid with really asynchronous development (ie mature in some ways, very young in others) and he flipped right out. Oops.

Awesome article, thank you for it. I loved this show, in part because it did show (warts and all) the masculine perspective. And unlike most entertainment that explores the theme of the masculine, it presented a more realistic approach without the generic (and false) dichotomy with the feminine. Matt didn't need to be

I liked this about the books a lot. I love the view of sex and relationships, especially. The women are real- they remind me a lot of the punk rock girls we hung out with in college. A little pretentious, a little privileged… but smart, fun. I love how the characters' sexuality isn't treated as a prize or a vice but

Yeah I get the complaints that it's busy- though I also found the balance was fine- but I do not get the "committee" argument at all. It felt like the most Whedon-y film yet.

I guess I'm a terrible person because as an anatomy teacher, every single time this is mentioned I can't help but think her reproductive system is just wrecked. I mean the tissues there are really elastic and heal well. But it has to be a disaster…

I taught K for a while and I'd often use Arthur during indoor recess to emphasize some social or educational point we had made earlier. It's a solid show for kids with some surprisingly insightful topics.

Sad to see this. She's a hugely talented artist.

We think way too much about Full House in this country.

Tough effect too- otherwise I'd love to see her in Agents of SHIELD. But her powers have to be way expensive to render.