
I'd love that too. I just love Kamala.

Great write-up, thanks for it.

I enjoyed this. I'm getting a little bummed that the Atom is really going to just be an Iron Man clone, though. I was hoping somehow the nanotech piece would mean it shrunk, accidentally or otherwise? I guess the cost is prohibitive… still. Bummer.

Yeah tho I enjoy his work a good deal I had to stop following him on Twitter. I have enough impotent nerd rage in my life.

It did feel soap-y… but it somehow works. The cast makes you care. And we get Goodman, as President Beefy.

British conservatives could be compared to US politicians that are slightly right of center and who occasionally stick to their values.

Yeah the consensus of those I've spoken to regarding the show- all four of them- is that the best years are behind them. Though I'll say the Burma special was good fun. Anytime they go to other countries they regain a bit of the magic. I rewatch the Vietnam special often. Despite (or sometimes because of- it's hard to

Yeah exactly this. I love Top Gear, and I enjoy Clarkson quite a bit. But his persona has eclipsed the real guy in his own mind, apparently. There's no excuse for throwing tantrums and clocking a guy.

Hilariously my wife said, "Hey she got a bra that fit!" The opportunity is so rare apparently my wife would tolerate a creepy van guy. We need better bra tech, apparently!

Such a good special. I haven't loved everything I've seen of his, and he just nailed this set.

I'm glad they didn't chang too much. This is bound to be dean-ertaining.

Agreed. Though I'd say Jurassic Bark has enough humor and silliness to make it rewatchable, even if it's always moving. As a father I can't even think of The Tale of Iroh without bursting into tears. There's no way I'll rewatch that.

Sadly I have occasion to use "Militants, eh? Well, if I were you I'd kick their asses" a lot.

Agreed on Dooley. It's a powerful transition, especially given his struggles with his half of the sexist equation… he's faced the negative consequences of the strict gender roles as well, even as he benefited from it. He lost his whole family to the notion that "you must work!" sexism of the time.

This is the best idea, I really hope you're right. Hell Ward as a Punisher type- killing people he dislikes, helping when he wants… That could be fun.

Big Picture is also nice, last time I went. Which is admittedly a few years, I moved from Belltown in Seattle in 2010

Redmond towncenter has a theater with at least some of these amenities- not as nice as Alamo sounds, but booze and nice seats and reservations!

Ha awesome. Avail is so quotable, in goofy and serious ways. It was such a ridiculous all-in band. Which I loved.

My group of friends listened to and loved Satiate… but Dixie was a revelation. In 94 most of us were 17, just graduating HS… Dixie was everyone's favorite record immediately.
Fun thing- my wife later got to translate for Avail in Japan. She fondly remembers going to karaoke with them after the Osaka show. And I was
