Wild Cougar

Sound like narcissism, if you ask me. The inability to get the fuck over yourself

I don’t know what it is about men that they take an individual rejection and they gotta make it categorical. It’s not that Keisha isn’t into me, she isn’t into my type......therefore she’s a shallow bad person......therefore all Black women are shallow bad people......therefore other races are not shallow and bad, so

Can’t think of one woman on that show who hasn’t been portrayed as a one dimensional stereotypical trope. Not. a. one. Vanessa has two dimensions, maybe. Closer to 1.5

SO MUCH THIS. Kanye is the 2018 OJ. Donald Glover is following up right behind him in the fast lane.

For the record, I can’t stand Donald Glover. I don’t pay a lot of attention to what he has said about Black women because I don’t care what men like him have to say about Black women. We didn’t want him for a reason. Dude is uber creepy and gives me the heebee-jeebees. Sure Atlanta is a good show but has some huge

Shut the fuck up. This man is a serial rapist. That is about as bad——no, that IS as bad as you can get. What Cosby did is WORSE than what Weinstein or Trump did. If you think raping women is only being “imperfect”, you’re probably a rapist, too.

Stop this bullshit virtue signalling. You’re a fucking adult in this country acting like you need Black people to coach you through dismantling the system your people created. It’s a sure sign of a white person who wants nothing more than good person status when you go online talking about you don’t know what to do.

AHEM! PJ you KNOW I’m a tech startup founder. Why haven’t you introduced me?! I thought we were homies....

Get with your fellow white people and dismantle white supremacy and pay back all the shit you stole. Truth and reconciliation. 40 acres and a mule in 2018 money.

Or.......we could choose more tools than just boycotts. They rarely work. If you’re doing it to prove how woke you are, probably nobody cares.

Bandwidth and deliverables already had words. “Time” and “the shit you paid for”.

I only eat potato salad that’s still warm because the potatoes and eggs just got out of the pot and I watched it being made.

You seem quite pressed and angry. You should see someone about that.

Only thing worse than this is meaningless business bullshit. Like synergy, bandwidth and deliverables. I feel sorry for people who think buzz words mean the person is smart and competent.

Add to that your opinion about religion in general. No one asked you to convert people to atheism. Nobody cares that you don’t believe in anything.

Really? I wonder how they knew they were POC. Did they base it on address? That’s what I wonder when I see stories about loan denials. Do people show up to the bank and get a loan still? Seems like it’s gotta be your home address, which leads me to believe people should get post office boxes in white neighborhoods

I agree with you. The part I hate about conspiracy theories embraced by Black people is it always posits white men as smarter than everyone else. They’re not that smart.


I’m standing on my chair giving you a double standing ovation. You can see this on social media, especially Twitter. When you argue with a hater who also happens to be a non motherfucking factor and you decide to end the discussion, they will hang on, desperately, trying to get you to continue arguing. Not for the

It chaps their hide that we can call them something that they cannot call us (successfully). They want so so SO badly to make reverse racism a thing. I find it amusing that they get so upset about their inability to make the word stick when hurled at us. It gives me a warm feeling inside.