Wild Cougar

You’re the real racist! (declares in gotcha voice white people use when they say this online, thinking themselves very clever, like they figured out colonel mustard killed somebody in the conservatory with a lead pipe.

Listen Linda, listen! The root of all evil is not the love of money, it’s fear. I hate fear. HATE. I hate feeling it, and I hate hearing about it. Listening to people wax snowflakey on their anxiety and fear pisses me the fuck off. Reading headlines that end with “...and why you should be terrified” send me into a

That’s very interesting. Good to know there is a code of ethics for this. Will make a note of it. My online name started because I was writing hoe tales in a blog and due to the salacious nature and not wanting my numerous lovers to be outed, I adopted the pseudonym. But don’t call me Wild Cougar in person. I’m not

I’m not talking about you. Look at all the people replying that need the adolescent thrill of mocking someone on a pronunciation. People never fail to fall below my expectations

It’s not even a must to have a good credit to buy a house. You will just get a higher interest rate, and depending on the price of the house, you might still be able to afford it and refinance when you get your credit in shape. If you can’t afford a single family in your area, you could try for a condo or move to a

What?! Ok, here we are again. *hard sigh*. Neither perfect, nor paticulary lucky and I’ve bought two. I really think it depends on where you live. All the Black people I grew up with owned homes. It was expected. Nobody sweated it. You just find one you can afford. Yall love to wallow in misery and low expectations.

Look at all the pathetic people lining up to correct me. LMAO

I shall use it everyday

I ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW HOW YOU PRONOUNCE THAT! It’s one of my favorite words I’ve never heard anyone say.

Same. I don’t have brain space to give to reading for pleasure. There are too many things to read for information. And who has time for books? Get to the point. If you can’t say it on one page, you’re being self indulgent.

I don’t have munchkins. I have a spoiled dog that barks at inappropriate times because she knows its an inappropriate time. I am working from home and I don’t have any of your issues. It makes me feel happy. I’m sure children make you happy but I’m not built for that and I’m glad I realized that early. The only thing

You know people don’t really think they are superior when they constantly knock on your door and peer in the windows anytime you’re having a party, then try to pee on the gardenias. These are the actions of the racially insecure.

So that’s where that came from? She’s why people keep repeating “I don’t trust women who don’t have female friends”? People are parroting her. Ok, now I get it.

Kohl’s. I’ve driven by many times. Never felt the need to go in a free standing department store. What are those for anyway?

I’m building a dumbed down version of the platform I built that people didn’t understand. It’s drudgery but must be done. Hoping to get this thing out for beta testing by the end of the month.

ok. I’ll agree to that.

Ew. I don’t run. Not good for joints. My mind is as strong as they come. I’ll find something that inspires me. I’m not getting back in the ring. I had to deal with too much cave man sexism and nobody needs to be around that.

The old ethic is to do your philanthropy in secret, so it’s not about you. Drake helped people and that’s great, but it’s a bit tarnished that it was done for the cameras. I have more respect for people like Prince, whose motives can’t be questioned. For the record, I’ve given tens of thousands away to people in need.

Men have this thing where they hear boxing and their brains get stuck on that. It’s annoying

I can’t tell you how sick I am of that question. It’s like men get stuck on one thing I’ve done in my life and their brains can’t accept new information.