Wild Cougar

All my cousins are actually half cousins. But we have so much in common genetically, you can tell my grandmother’s genes were SKRONG. it doesn’t matter which granddaddy anybody had. You know we’re related. I have never heard the word half or step ever at family gatherings.

Thanks for this. I’ve been looking for a little motivation to get back in shape and imagining I’m training to be a Dora Milaje might just be that extra push I need.

It’s not projection, its primal and I don’t understand how Black men don’t get that they are the world’s alpha male. Everybody else does. As Ogi Ogas explains in “A Billion Wicked Thoughts”, its all about sperm competition.


Thank you for articulating the part of this that got under my skin. It’s basically a repetition of the same old racist premise that whiteness is better and all Black people need is more proximity to whiteness so it might rub off on us. This is the white fellating premise behind Brown vs. Board of Education. If Black

I don’t think white adjacent is limited to having white parents. You could simply live in a predominantly white area and go to schools where you are the token (pet) Black kid. You navigate really well and will receive privileges as long as you remain isolated from other Black people or at least pretend you are.

One of the things I hate the most is people talking about what we should do about immigration without knowing what the fuck they are talking about. Small businesses can sponsor workers for H-1b, which requires a degree and also H-2b seasonal, which does not. You have to show you have the ability to pay the market rate

Without the ticket purchases of people who neither know nor care about comic books, this movie would flop, so.... move over

+100 for being so Black, your Blackness can’t be limited to habits.

I got married for 5k by limiting the guest list to 50, ( only people you’d take a long road trip with) getting a regular cake for guests, shopping around for photographers and only getting the CD. We print what we want, buying wholesale roses and ribbon and making our own bouquets and having the reception on a dinner

Yeah she was wrong to act out in front of cameras and embarass her son whatever her reason was. That don’t make her evil or toxic. But she might be. We don’t know. All we know is she made a bad move and the predictable people made predictable comments about it.

I’m with you. Never tried it. I’m scared I would like it too much. I like coffee, so I conclude...... I can’t have a substance controlling me.

I’m with you, P. The only way I knew the movie was coming and how big it was is I date nerds and geeks and I like to sit and listen to them go on about their nerdy geeky stuff and I get excited vicariously.

I’m so tired of people telling me Black people could do x, y, z if WE would only mobilize. Who is we? I know plenty of Black people building generational wealth, banking black, owning businesses, supporting Black business. I don’t know what “we” you people are seeing, but I suspect it’s an image of Blackness that can

Same here. We didn’t get snacks. We didn’t demand anything. It would never have occurred to me to demand a snack. Like, what?! We got three squares and whatever we could buy from 7-11 with the pocket change we dug out of the couch and conned grandma out of. There was no such thing as snacks when we were out. Kids

Somehow you got the impression that I have microscopic crumbs of fucks gone by for what you think of me. Please be assured. I do not.

Damon I’ve been following this blog a long time and while I can’t say I know you, one thing I think I know about you is you need Black consensus on almost everything. It’s almost like a security blanket. This is what Bougie Black folks do, this is what Black people eat, this is what Black people ....... it reads like

I have a theory. I think it’s an inner ear deficiency. Hear me out. (pun). OK inner ear directs balance and depth perception. You notice how on a dance floor people of color move around each other effortlessly? Even unseen people, we sense the distance of people behind us. White people will bump into people. Always.

Stop being such.a grouch. You look like you need to be saved from oncoming traffic with that baby face and those hairpin arms you got. I would do the same thing because I’m on public auntie status and I get to believe I’m saving the young people I meet in public. Let us have our delusions. Hush, youngin.

I’ve always ghosted at parties. I hate saying goodbye to people. That’s why I always go alone. No I’m not rolling with my crew. I’ll meet you there. Because when I want to leave I’m leaving immediately. The ability to leave places immediately has kept me safe during my clubbing years. People would say why would a