Wild Cougar

Once again, Damon, you’re insisting on regionalisms to maintain your comfy blanket of delusional Black homogeneity. I, like MANY MANY regular, non special snowflake Black folks didn’t grow up watching people play spades. We played dominoes and Uno. Why don’t YOU know how to play Dominoes. That is the real question.

People, usually white, preferring animals over humans is a product of the same hubris that makes people, usually white, destroy the earth. The think all humanity is like them (trash) and everthing that’s not human is basically innocent, helpless and therefore subject to their dominion. They can be benign dominant

If it ain’t Nat King Cole it’s second rate. But you said soul, so I’ll let your list pass

It’s not a new thing, Damon. When I was a kid in the 70s we used to go driving around this time of year to see what Christmas lights the rich white people had on their houses. We would also critique their tree, their clothes, what they were watching on TV, what they were eating....... only the rich whites, though. Our

If it’s someone I’m close to, I’m defending them unless they’ve shown me signs they might have done what they’re accused of. I won’t apologize for it. I won’t go so far as to say it didn’t happen but I’m more likely to believe it’s a lie until I get more evidence.

Good piece, Panama. I see Blackness as a gift. It might not be wrapped in the sparkliest package, it might not be this years must have, but it’s gonna be that thing you depend on when shit gets tough. If mixed folks wanna claim the gift or hide it under the bed and show off the sparkly one, that’s fine. When the

Lmao. Y’all are SO pressed. Nobody cares about your engagement. You flatter yourself. If I don’t speak to people and I keep my head down with my headphones in, making it clear I don’t want to interact and that makes me annoying and THAT is the reason dozens of constantly changing contract workers don’t force

I’m sorry but this is asinine. If you need therapy, get that. How does telling everybody you know you’re depressed help you get not depressed? And if you’re going to tell peoole what they can’t say, like think about diet, exercise and prayer which have ALL BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY SHOWN TO HELP, then what do you want? Go

Panama, I’m an official foodie. I’m a supertaster. No lie. I found that out from genetic testing. And I love me some chicken tenders. Especially at Brothers in New Orleans at 2am. You CANNOT eat those things and say it’s not sophisticated. The key is were they breaded and fried fresh or frozen. So nobody can judge

If they don’t get to be the hero when surrounded by non whites, they’ll throw a fit and the rabid racist will emerge like a baby alien busting out. Facts. I’ve seen it.

This is an engraved invitation to trolls, you know.....

You are responsible for having the environment you want. Only a child cries and whines to demand that others give them the environment they want. I work in an environment with very insecure, slightly crazy people and the crowd is always changing. I am a chatty person but I do not talk to anyone at work because these

Work on your signaling skills. I never have this problem. I take responsibility for my own peace and I don’t concern myself with what strangers think of me. Since we are discussing what we wish strangers would do, I wish introverts would stop whining online and just go be alone.

That’s how life works.

That’s funny. If I don’t want to talk to someone, I have never had the person keep talking. You should improve your technique. If you can’t figure out how to be direct without being a dick, then stop whining. Its words. Just words.


Instead of raging at others for not reading your mind how about just saying you’re not interested in talking.

Being an introvert gotta be exhausting. Y’all always pressed about humans doing benign human things in your presence. If you can’t bear to make it clear you don’t want to talk then it’s your own damn fault somebody committed the crime of voicing their non critical thoughts while trying to be friendly.

Nah. I’m afraid not. Dude gonna lose. GOP is losing Florida, also as we speak. Close to 200,000 angry Puerto Ricans are moving in and gonna make Florida blue, right after Virginia. North Carolina is up next. Expect the worst and be unsurprised ahead of time if that makes you feel better.

White folks tried to claim Obama. Some of them were upset he identified as Black. After he became president, of course.