Wild Cougar

I’m glad this is an across the pond discussion because we can bring out the history of the “one drop rule” and educate the youth, Dwights and other curious non American Blacks, why we claim all mixed people. It’s for their own protection. They are our cousins and they need somewhere to go when the klan finds out they

you don’t “well actually” a joke.


whiteness means you get all the benefits of all the doubts because whiteness is supposed to be next to Godliness. When they are confronted with the fact that this is a lie, they reshuffle the deck and figure out how to make white come out on top, morally. They gotta keep changing the narrative so they have virtue. You

Make a dry-ish heavy white cake and put rum or rum extract in it. It can’t be light and fluffy because it won’t hold up to the other stuff. Gotta make it from scratch because box cakes will be too light. Make two or three layers. Substitute coconut milk or piña colada mixer for the milk. The filling is crushed

It looks obnoxious as hell. I vote they x the x

why not?

Hurt and pain.....hmm.......ok, I want gospel to make me happy. Yup different strokes

good point

He wants to take a nap under the table with all those carbs.....

I make a piña colada cake with cream cheese frosting that will make you throw a red velvet through a speeding car window.

fresh.......birds? Like you wring their neck yourself? I saw a chicken jump out of a tree and commit suicide once. It was delicious. That’s the only way I’m getting “fresh bird” cuz they don’t sell that at Safeway.

Trap..........gospel?! EWWWWWWWWW........ I hope I am never in the position of hearing that.

Ohhhhh! It’s the grandmother connection! Yall like it because it was your grandmother who listened to it!!!! Not your mother. Ok, Ok, Ok, I get it.

The minute I heard about salmonella leaching into stuffing, I stopped putting food I intended to eat in a bird. Plus, you don’t get a crust with it in there. Gotta let that dressing breathe.

Nuh uh. Thanksgiving is the only time I eat fresh yeast rolls and they are glorious. If they are prepared right and you warm them right before you eat....man......

Get that spaghetti off the plate. It’s blocking the food.

I got the turnup for you. lol

Only liking old school has got to be a millennial thing. Really. I was in the church practising the new new Clark Sisters and I’m a big fan of the contemporary. It’s almost like ya’ll romanticize what you didn’t have. Traditional gospel was scandalous for being too much like “nasty” blues when it came out, sooo......
