Wild Cougar
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Wait, wait. cant forget Walter Hawkins RIP and the Koreans do gospel


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I see you like your gospel good and traditional. Hmph. I gotta be at least ten years older than you and I think you need a little more bump in your style. I hear you on Ebenezar AME. I was a member for a minute, and all that lining up and parking and scheduling stuff like it’s a fortune 500.......I grew up in a 300

Yeah, that’s already happened, lol

If a person is motivated to action by shame, then I suppose it would be useful to shame that individual. It could also result in paralyzing self hate and no change in behavior. I don’t think it could be useful in the long run to shame an entire group because it’s not tied to a particular guilty action. People trying

You niggers should be grateful we allow you to earn wages for your labor instead of just taking it for free. We can bring that back anytime we want. Any money you have is due to our generosity. You niggers should thank us for allowing you to walk freely and not put every one of you in jail because your skin color

Was not a fan of School Daze or She gotta have it. Both were way too preachy and self indulgent for me. He got game? Meh. Spike Lee is a brilliant filmmaker but he makes film mostly from the point of view of a clueless sexist man.

This explains everything. first off you have to make fresh cornbread and not no dang Jiffy. Scratch. And you need a different cornbread recipe than the one you eat out of the pan with butter on it. Don’t put sugar in it, or milk. It’s gotta be as dry and heavy as your mother in law. Then you need to decide what to put


I didn’t use the words bad or acceptable. I said useless.

I’m gonna need white people to have a meeting and inform each other that telling a Black person they are racist for generalizing white people is not the zinger gotcha statement of the year they think it is.

THANK YOU. This is the pattern of online racist trolls as well. They start off asking questions that sound innocent, but it is really an attempt to get you to run in circles endlessly justifying yourself. That is what they want. For you to constantly justify yourself. Stop this cycle by calling them out or ignoring


did somebody call a Waaaaaaaaambulance?

*sigh* Why are yall so stuck on STFU? I want men (and women) to STFU with“men are trash” and move on to action. STFU with shame statements. If you don’t know the difference between a shame statement and an apology, lemme explaaaaaaaaaain,

I am saying statements about who you are: Shame statements, self loathing, are useful to no one. Not the person saying it and not the person hearing it, unless you get off on hate.

Did you know that the knee jerk gotcha “hypocrisy spotting” people think is so powerful is a logical fallacy?

I gained this courage a few years ago when I decided to come out as a shameless hussy. I paraded my promiscuity and dared anyone to try to shame me. They threw everything they had at me and discovered that, if I refuse to be ashamed, their words hold no weight. I have always had an uncanny ability to direct a laser

Um.........ya’ll are this confused and mad over one person’s opinion? I’m gonna explain one more time. “I am” and “I do” are two different things. As long as you can talk and change perceptions of who you “are”, you don’t have to do shit. Skip the “I am” stage, skip the broadcasting to others and just do. Really not

Its not sincere, its bullshit. Just say I will not return calls and own it. Don’t act like it’s some skill you didn’t learn.