Wild Cougar

I’m not challenging anyone’s sincerity. I am saying shame is a useless emotion and a delaying, distracting technique. You don’t need a first step to change your behavior. You just change it.

Real simple. Difference between I am and I do. As long as you are focusing getting credit or blame for identity, you are delaying action. As long as we are discussing shit, we are delaying action. Jump up and down, get outraged, make hashtags,feel bad, dialogue, raise awareness and all of that bullshit is delaying

An apology for an act that was wrong is not the same thing as saying “I am trash”.

Millennials didn’t learn from the Baby Boomers that shaming an entire population doesn’t cause awareness that leads to change. It causes awareness of a social standard that leads to pretending to change. That’s why we have wypipo calling themselves the victims of racism. They are tired of the shaming and tired of the

Nah, that’s like the people who say “I’m not good at” returning people’s calls, emails or texts. Bullshit. As long as you are talking about what you are or are not, you are not doing. You’re stalling with the shame show. Its moral masturbation

Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing

I feel sorry for people who need a shame step in order to reform behavior. I feel sorry for people who need an “I am” before they can move to “I do”. I feel sorry for people that need others to take the shame step because they were never taught you can skip it. Shame is a useless emotion and actually a way to avoid

The thing people forget when they are so understanding of these angry poor whites is, in those same towns, there are people of color who have suffered equally and probably more and don’t have that same sense of enraged frustrated entitlement. They are angry racists because they think their whiteness should add value

Bernie: Democrats should ditch identity politics (appealing to women and people of color) and focus on the white working class (not identity politics because, while the only thing that separates them from the working class is “white”, its ok to appeal to them because white).

I’d say I’m angrier and meaner but I’ve been a mean angry bitch since 2009 when I lost everything to the economy. I’m comforted that everybody is mean and angry along with me and willing to fight these bitchass racist motherfuckers for title to this country.

I just caught the Holy Ghost with this comment right here.

Everyone can stop commenting because this right here is all of it.

This explains a lot. WHOLE lot.

I’ll chime in because I have other work I need to be doing

I see no lies here

People of color who get jobs and contracts from affirmative action deserved them. It’s just about getting our fair share. Of course, white people think we shouldn’t have any share, it’s all theirs so they need to be forced. And that is probably why they’re going extinct. Don’t know how to share.

Thanks for proving my point by issuing a mindless hate rant for absolutely no reason and obsessing with my comments over several weeks. Get some therapy for your anger or find someone new to stalk.

This made me laugh and I needed a laugh.

They looked in your trunk and decided you have horrible taste and decided a man like you should have bad breath, to warn people.

What are you talking about? Do you even know?