
I think that's fine.

"...the special avatar of your parents' entitlement that you are..."

LOVE that phrase. +100000.

We need to get rid of philosophical and religious exemptions. Medical exemptions only. I am fucking tired of this shit.

The vaccine injury thing gets me. You know, I'm allergic to penicillin. I will go into anaphylactic shock and die if I have it. I also learned while in the hospital last month that after years of taking it, I am allergic to morphine, and it makes my arms and face swell up like a balloon. Does that make those bad

Something tells me the conversation and reaction to all of this would be preeeetty different if the anti-vaxxers currently spreading horrible diseases around the country were poor and brown instead of rich and white. Instead of "personal belief exemptions" we'd have kids getting ripped from their parents by CPS,

im so upset right now

Allowing people to be exempt from vaccination is like allowing people to be exempt from traffic laws. It puts everyone in greater danger, and it allows the reckless to refudiate their burden of responsibility onto everyone else.


It was truly strange, like talking to someone who refuses to believe that water is wet.

Thank you for doing that! We can't coddle these morons any longer when it's a matter of public health. It's selfish, ignorant bullshit to not vaccinate.

is this like when rich people have literally nothing to do so they make up problems? like how fucking bored do you have to get when you say vaccines have 'too many toxins'

Dude, I live in Boulder, CO and it's the epicenter for not vaccinating your children. My son is about to go to daycare and one of the first questions is - "How many kids aren't vaccinated?" and the response is insane. I can't even listen to these parents and their reasons why they don't vaccinate their kids. It's like

Good on you. These child-endangering willfully-ignorant dolts deserve all they shame they've brought on themselves.

Anti-vaxxers make me absolutely BONKERS. I just cannot handle these types of people! And sorry, but your tenacious desire to maintain your delusions is not so sacrosanct that you should be allowed to put others at risk.

Fuck all of this. It's time for school districts to put on their big folks pants, stop kowtowking to anti-science nutbars and eliminate personal belief exemptions. Your stupid, ignorant-ass beliefs should not be imposed on your children and endangering others. If we can force Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian

To steal a quote from Jezebel I saw last night, if I can't send my kid anywhere with a PB&J sandwich for public health reasons, I shouldn't be allowed to send them anywhere without an MMRV.

The people who are ruining the lives of porn stars are probably ruining the lives of pretty much everyone else too. When they're taking a break from streaming porn, that is.

Is George Zimmerman like one of those television serial killers who Wants to Be Caught? I almost feel sorry for him. He is clearly doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to go to prison, why won't someone just send him to prison?!?