
The whole narrative of that sequence was intended to be one of the discourse of how female power that wields sexuality with agency is ultimately feared and repressed in male driven societies and the implication of that is that what is allowed is sexuality that represents male desires and male agency. And I felt like

That's very informative(I haven't read any of the Lecter books, so I was mostly just curious how those who had felt).

It's one of those books that I remember enjoying reading, that I read in a very condensed period of time that I couldn't honestly tell you why it was so enjoyable, just that it was. I've also never re-read it for fear of pretty much this reaction. Although I wonder if people that had read the books had the same or

It's not really about conditioning them to use a specific bathroom, it's about conditioning them to accept binary gender narratives and a strictly assigned at birth biological definition of gender. Which, I mean I guess it depends on what ages you're talking about here how much of it you can argue they will process

Also Julio Jones. If I was a Cleveland fan I'd probably miss the pick that could/would have been Julio Jones.

Definitely, if we don't I may never find a practical application for my love of Nicholas Cage photos and the part of my brain that still knows all the words to "My Bloody Valentine".

If it helps, as someone who identifies as genderqueer and transgender, for me it's about separating my body from my identity. It's a very personal thing that mostly serves to help me distance myself from the negative effects of my dysphoria and give legitimacy to my body as it is and not how people would presume it

I don't think it's quite sentimentalising to suggest that an education doesn't in of itself make you more knowledgeable, which at the same time doesn't mean it's ok to dismiss its worth entirely, especially when acquiring it wasn't a matter of capitalising on privilege. Sadly. twitter is awful at "Both sides have

But will we see him on the interstate?

Mercyful Fate-Night Of The Unborn

As someone who was a moody teen circa 2005 I take offence at this association.

"That's all we know Rick, That's all we know Rick!!"

The thing people don't realise about Top Gear is that it was never really about the gears at all.

To be fair, Clarkson can be an ignorant buffoon and an entertaining tv presenter, it's the Boris Johnson popularity paradox.

True. I could really do without these mopey early 2000's emo villains. I seriously expect him to turn around and tell Barry "I wouldn't stop if I could, it hurts to be this good, you're holding on to your grudge, it hurts to always have to be honest with the one that you love, so let it go". or at the very least that

I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about Black Panther.

Honestly, as much as I don't think these shows or their writers are cut out for a Crisis storyline, it would make me giddy with excitement if they actually did that. As an avid fan of both Crisis and multiverses, parallel universes, alternative universes and the like, this is probably the best shot at this kinda

Translation "Hartley's been watching Fringe and has some ideas on this whole multiverse thing". That's what he's doing.

Honestly he was pretty bad at playing the good guy earlier in the season too, I just was willing to overlook it because he didn't seem like a big deal as a character. Now though, yikes, this is some Arrow Season 3 Ra's al Ghul level failure in villainous acting.

Worth it just for the "Business Secrets Of The Pharaohs" episode alone.