Wil Grewe-Mullins

I feel that Pichai has been awful for GooAlphabet, since he became the CEO and the founders got out, Pichai has been operating GooAlphabet as if it was managed by one of those societies (that’s the right word? I’m not a native english speaker) that buy failed startups and extract all the money they can. Pichai has

I’d say the best thing is Buzz punching the conspiracy nut who was harassing him and his daughter.

I also recommend the documentary For All Mankind, which incorporates footage from all the Apollo missions.

NASA pretty much had a blank check at that point to make it happen - by the final Apollo 17 mission in late ‘72 - the budget ax was falling ..

The best and yet saddest thing about the moon landing conspiracy nut movement is that the only people left are those with serious mental illness. The people with lives and jobs have moved on, leaving behind the schizophrenics and other assorted people in desperate need of medical attention.

The fact that they did this with 1960's tech is incredible.

would be an attack on the defendants’ character”

Behold, the libertarian laissez faire dream world!

You money is not gone. It has moved to a new home in the country where it can spend all day running around in a field playing with its friends .

For years, people have been telling the crypto bros that they’re going to lose all their money and now they’ve lost all their money. Have fun staying poor.

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance ..

As I once said to a family member about him missing out. “Not only has that ship sailed, but it has already reached its destination and started a new trip.”

Right? That horse is out of the barn, in the next county, and already has its own podcast.

They don’t need no stinkin’ regulation!

I’m not sure why they are worried.

You have to be pretty myopic to think DeSantis is somehow better than Trump. Trump is an idiot. Certified. Proven. He is a parrot and he has crippling narcissism. These qualities make him incapable of being truly horrifying. As fucked as that is to say. It’s our reality.

Oh, that’s easy.  Musk doesn’t have a company that makes electric trams.

No one can explain why an electric train in those tunnels wouldn’t be better.