Wil Grewe-Mullins

Not unpredictable that the map doesn’t use the colors red or blue, as those have become so inexorably tied with our current condition. 

Old man yells at cloud. Let’s ammend that to Rich Old White Politician yells at Clouds.

Why? Because sometimes reality is mundane and boring, and some people can’t hack that. 

I’ve never played the game, and I know next to nothing about it, but this actually looks promising. Nitpickers will probably tear it to bits, but I’m going to give it a chance. 

Oh, come on, could ANYTHING be worse than THIS?

Musk fired a ton of engineers. This crippled Twitter. In the name of “Free Speech” Musk turned Twitter into a haven for the Reich-Wingers, including literal Nazis. Millions dumped Twitter. Musk threw a hissy fit. The engineers he fired moved to Meta, and started Threads. He sowed the seeds of his own destruction, and

Some genius hero hacker should reprogram the creepy Trumpbot with the audio from the “Access Hollywood” tape. 

I think it was both. Not to mention his pasty skin. 

I guess “Free Speech Absolutist” means just what it says. Musk turned Twitter into an absolute cesspool. No wonder it has lost half its value since he blew 44 billion bucks on a temper tantrum, because somebody made fun of his haircut.

Why should they care who he picks to take the fall for his stupid decisions? She’s signing on to be Captain of the Titanic, AFTER it struck the iceberg. (And the iceberg is definitely ELON)

People are letting the paranoid fantasies that they are fed by the NRA and Fox”News” rule their lives. It’s a disease, a contagious mental illness.   

All Menania has to do is be patient, and eventually she gets almost everything. Once Trump can’t do business in New York, he’s going to have to liquidate a lot, and that money will go to her, sooner or later. Probably sooner. Donald is starting to look like a Halloween pumpkin left out on the porch until December.

I would hope that could be possible, but I don’t think they CAN. The market would react even worse than keeping a madman at the wheel. Yes, that makes no sense, but does anything about Lord Musk make sense?

Yeah, that’s the first thing I thought of too. Younglings. 

Perhaps Ford would do better if it weren’t focusing so heavily on bloated pickup trucks, and if it hadn’t wasted so much money on the ridiculous “Electric Mustang”. 

Good. “Dark... Brooding... Im-por-tant... Ground-Breaking...” has gotten tedious beyond belief. They do huge reboots of the DC comics every now and again, so maybe it’s time for a total reboot of the DCEU.

Those aren’t Halloween costumes, those are stripper costumes. Except for the dogs. Maybe. 

I can’t help but think that it’s a combination of climate change and overharvesting, at least partly due to the popularity of the crab fishing shows making people want more crab leg buffets. 

Ye can’t seem to tell the difference between Conservative and Batshit Insane.