Wil Grewe-Mullins

Alex doesn’t believe in a LOT of things, basic human decency for one, but no matter what he believes, there are these people known as Forensic Accountants, and they are going to find every penny that he thinks he hid, and make sure that these families get all of it. He is thought to have withdrawn at least 60 million

Is it just me or does she look like all three of the Olsen sisters at once?

Die Hard meets Nobody. 

I made this. Hope you like it. 

So Tim Allen WASN’T “Cancelled for his conservative beliefs” by EEEVIL DISNEY? I’m so surprised. 

Christ, what an asshole. 

yeah, and I loved how the show basically said “And we will never speak of this again.”

Paramount+ merchandizing needs to get on the ball and make the Kirk/Spock/Horta standee photo op thing IRL full size. Or at least make the file available so we can make it ourselves. 

Anybody else getting a “Homelander” vibe from this version of Superman?

I have one thing to say.

Remember when “Lightyear” came out, and conservatives had literal hissy fits because they claimed that Disney had “Cancelled Tim Allen because of his Conservative beliefs!”? Well, not so much. They gave him his own SERIES. Of course, the people who freaked out aren’t going to watch it, because they’re boycotting

Uh oh. They used the word “Savior”. Cue the freak out from the Reich Wing ChristoFascists. They should be squealing “There is only one SAVIOR of the world!” by the end of the day. 

The Skunk Ape looks like a continuous stream of tropes and cliché’s from start to finish. Well, that and a whole lot of very wooden acting. 

This sums it up perfectly. 

Trump and his Cult Members CONSTANTLY say that “Democrats HATE America, and are trying to DESTROY it!”, but Biden is the “Divisive” one. Riiiiiight. 

Very hard to be optimistic about this. 

You beat me to it. (I said much the same before I saw your post)

Like every bit of news out of NK, you have to add “Technically” to it. My suspicion is that 74 people died of Covid, and tens of thousands were executed for having contracted Covid, before they could technically die from it. 
